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Yom Yerushalayim
Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) is the anniversary of the day in 1967 when Israel regained full control of Jerusalem, and
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I LOVE BASH אל מעוז הסטודנטים- סיור טעימות
!רחוב רינגלבלום, מעוז הסטודנטים בבאר שבע, צבעוני ותוסס בכל שעות היום ועד השעות הקטנות של הלילה. בסיור נצא להכיר את
I LOVE BASH סיור טעימות בשוק העירוני – החברה הישראלית
.השוק בבאר שבע הוא אחד השווקים האותנטיים היחידים שנותרו בישראל והוא מגלם בתוכו את סיפורה של החברה הישראלית בכלל ושל
I LOVE BASH סיור טעימות בעיר העתיקה – על הקשר בין קולינריה להתחדשות
.העיר העתיקה של באר שבע ידועה מאז ומתמיד כמעוז קולינרי משובח עם עסקי מזון משפחתיים, ותיקים ומוצלחים הפועלים מזה.. עשורים.
I LOVE BASH סיור תרבות והתחדשות בעיר העתיקה – יזמות, תרבות, אמנות
סיור תרבות והתחדשות בעיר העתיקה – יזמות, תרבות, אמנות .באר שבע, העיר ההיסטורית, עירו של אברהם אבינו, העיר בה התרחש
KOL-TOUR – סיורים מוזיקליים
עקיבא סגל – מדריך סיורים עירוניים ותיק, ויעל שרייבר – מדריכת הרכבים ווקאלים, מריצים מיזם של סיורים מודרכים בירושלים וביפו המשלבים
בית סיסטם עאלי
בית סיסטם עאלי הינו מוקד ומתחם פעילות לקהילת יוצרים רב-לשונית ומגוונת הצומחת סביב תקשורת, הקשבה, כבוד וסובלנות, ומתוך מחויבות לצדק
Informative Articles & Videos
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Celebrating Christmas in Nazareth
Including interviews with Christian tourists and pilgrims from around the world, this video (03:49) describes the unique atmosphere and festivities of Christmas
SWITCH: Employment Opportunities for Bedouins in the Negev
In the Idan Hanegev Industrial Park near Rahat, the most populated Bedouin community in Israel, KKL-JNF and its partners have
פסטיבל הסרטים הבנילאומי בצוקים- חלוציות מודרנית בערבה שחולמת בגדול! The International Film Festival in Tzukim –Modern Pioneers Dream Big
Tzukim was established in the Arava in 1996, as a pioneering yishuv. It wasn’t just any agricultural community, as its
The “Derech HaShalom” Hiking Trail in the Arava
This slideshow [00:48] from the Arava Tichona Regional Council provides a peek of the beautiful hiking trail, “Derech HaShalom,” opened in
Brothers in War- The Anzacs Who Fought for The Jewish People
This video [04:01], from the YouTube channel anzacconnection, is the first in a series of documentary films covering the untold story
The Ashalim Solar Energy Plant in the Negev
This video clip [01:28] from the YouTube Channel NoCamels, which reports on cutting edge Israeli innovations, shows Israel’s “Solar Valley” a
The Monument at Gadot Lookout
This article, from the social media platform, Steemit, discusses the historical background of the monument at Kibbutz Gadot. Through the initiative
Renewing the Days of Old in the Arava
This video [02:30], published by the YouTube channel “Israel,” illustrates how an entire history can be found inside of one
The Pioneering Movement in the Arava is Alive and Kicking
This video, [03:18] from the KKL-JNF’s YouTube channel, offers a glimpse into the “Vidor Center: A Window for Arava Agriculture,”
Is the Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal project still happening?
This Jordan Times article by Hussam Hussein investigates the relevance of the Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal project. The canal draws water from
תיירות אקולוגית בישראל- יש דבר כזה? Ecological Tourism in Israel– Is There Such a Thing?
הסרטון המצורף, מספק לנו הצצה למרכז לתיירות אקולוגית בלוטן. תיירות אקו- מה? תיירות אקולוגית! כיום כבר ידוע לכולם כי להיות
Agriculture Without Boundaries in the Arava
This video [02:36] shows the Arava International Center for Agricultural Training (AICAT), which brings together more than 1,200 students from 18
Ein Tzukim: The Secret of the Dead Sea
This clip (7:50) from popular YouTube channel Sergio & Rhoda in Israel introduces a side of the Dead Sea that is unfamiliar
David Ben-Gurion’s ‘One Million Plan’
This clip of David Ben-Gurion (6:23) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem explores the risk and opportunities of Ben-Gurion’s famed One
Can the Disappearing Dead Sea Come Back to Life?
This clip (6:18) from i24NEWS introduces the virtues of the Dead Sea — its uniqueness as the lowest point on Earth, its
The Nabateans: The Ancient Merchants
Erick Stakelbeck of The Watchman brings us this informative clip (4:48) explaining that in the times of Jesus, there existed an
The Demise of the Dead Sea and its Effects on the Surrounding Residents
This article, authored by Elisa Oddone and published on the PBS science news site, Nova, discusses the environmental problems connected to
The Blaustein-Ben-Gurion Agreement
This is what’s known as the Blaustein-Ben-Gurion Agreement — a most significant document in the development of Israel-Diaspora relations. Between
David Ben-Gurion — The ‘Old Pioneer’
This clip (1:16), taken from the British Pathé, shows one of our nation’s fathers shoulder to shoulder with young boys in
Ben-Gurion’s Life in the Negev
Taken from the YouTube channel ‘Look’, this video (7:07) introduces a humble side of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion.
Exploring the Historic Tunnels of Tzfat — A Kabbalistic Experience
This video, produced by the non-profit educational organization, Livnot U’lehibanot, gives a brief tour of the 16th century tunnels in
Tzfat’s Top Eight Historical Synagogues
This list, comprised by Ascent, a hostel which also offers educational Jewish enrichment programs for visitors from Israel and around
A Glimpse at David Friedman’s Kabbalistic Art Gallery
This drawing, “The Seed Of Creation,” from David Friedman’s Kosmic Kabbalah Art Gallery, depicts “Ein Sof” — the Infiniteness and Eternal
The Annual Tzfat Klezmer Festival Brings this Historical City to Life
Check out the Tzfat Klezmer Festival with this video concert [02:42], performed by the eclectic “Israel Klezmer Orchestra” in August, 2019. Klezmer
Tel Aviv Then & Now
The first three pages of this edition of Tel Aviv University’s Kesher Journal present an overview of Tel Aviv’s history
Dead Sea Drying Up, but it’s Not the First Time
The Dead Sea is drying up, but drilling shows that this might not be the first time. An article from
Who Controls Christianity’s Holiest Church?
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the main attractions for Christian tourists visiting Jerusalem. Located in the
Malcolm Gladwell: The Unheard story of David & Goliath
In this fascinating TED talk (15:40), world-renowned journalist and author Malcolm Gladwell offers an original perspective of the classic biblical
History, Nature & Spirituality in the Biriya Forest
This i24NEWS segment (05:20) explores how the Galilee became the economic and spiritual center of the Jewish people following the
The Ancient Cemetery of Tzfat
This informative, yet basic, slideshow (01:25) presents the history of the ancient cemetery in Tzfat, a pilgrimage site due to the
The Artist Colony of Tzfat
This wordless video (01:12) captures the energy and creativity of the Artist Colony in Tzfat, where a wide range of
Jewish History in Tzfat: From Ancient Times Until Today
Citing ancient historical and Jewish sources, this informative, yet basic, slideshow (05:51) presents the more than 2,000 year long history
The History & Essence of the Mystical City of Tzfat
This i24NEWS segment (03:36) introduces the Holy City of Tzfat, including its history as a center of Jewish mysticism and
The History of Rosh Pina: From the Mid-19th Century Until Today
From the website of the Pina Balev tourist suites in Rosh Pina, this article summarizes the history and geography of
The Roaring Lion Monument
This photograph below depicts the Roaring Lion Monument erected in memory of the eight defenders who fell in the iconic
The Life & Death of Joseph Trumpeldor
Produced by Rabbi Oran Zweiter as part of his “This Week in Jewish History” YouTube series, this informative video (03:22)
The History and Battle of Tel Hai
From the website of the Gems in Israel Tour Company, this article tells the story of Tel Hai, one of the
The Legacy of Tel Hai: To Live or Die for our Country?
Created by The Kibbutz Institute for Festivals and Holidays, an educational organization committed to the formation of a Jewish-Zionist-humanist culture in
Shlomo Ben Yosef: A Betar Youth Hung by the British
From the website of the Betar Revisionist Zionist Youth Movement, this article tells the story of Shlomo Ben Yosef, a
The Settlement of Rosh Pina During the First Aliyah
Featuring tour guide David Wexler, this informative video (01:50) tells the story of Israel’s early pioneers who settled Rosh Pina,
From Gei Oni to Rosh Pina: A Story of Trial & Error
From the website of the World Zionist Organization’s Zionist Quiz venture, this article tells the story of Rosh Pina from the
Best Attractions in and Around the Galilee
Explore Israel’s beautiful and historically-rich North with veteran tour guide Marty Friedlander in a Haaretz article called ‘From the Sea of
Pushing Back the Desert in Be’er Sheva
In this clip (5:54), learn how KKL-JNF is literally turning back time and pushing back the deserts of the Be’er
Akko: Ancient History Meets a Vibrant Culinary Scene
This quick vignette (2:22) introduces the unique city of Akko which is as ancient and historical as it is hip
Walking Through the Old City of Akko
Take a quick tour of Akko‘s Old City in this clip (3:01) from The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck. Akko is
Historical Overview of Akko’s Old City
Put out by ISRAEL21c, this historical overview (3:24) of the Old City of Akko brings 5,000 years of history to
Sderot Indoor Recreation Center
Produced by JNF, this video (02:22) introduces the Secure Indoor Recreation Center, a uniquely designed protected indoor playground built in
The History & Development of Upper Nazareth
This article tells the story behind the city of Upper Nazareth, officially established in 1962 as part of David Ben
The Aliyah of Bnei Menashe From India
From i24NEWS, this video (02:40) tells the fascinating story of the Bnei Menashe community from northeast India, believed to be
Nazareth: A Hub of Tech & Coexistence
Produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (02:24) highlights some tech startups that have emerged from Nazareth, a
Upper Nazareth Changes Name to Nof Hagalil
This news segement (01:06) shares how and why the Jewish city of Upper Nazareth officially changed its name to Nof
The Church of the Annunciation
A slideshow of photographs with onscreen explanations, this video (04:35) introduces the history, architecture and significance of the Church of
Nazareth: History, Culture & Coexistence
Produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (01:43) highlights the history and culture of the Nazareth, the largest
The Old City of Nazareth
Produced by the Christian Media Center, this video (02:55) takes viewers on a virtual tour of the Old City of
The Christian History of Nazareth
Produced by Pastor Dr. Todd Michael Fink, this video (10:53) provides a virtual tour of Nazareth, the village where Mary
Mikulov Park in Katzrin
From the website of KKL-JNF, this article describes Mikulov Park in Katzrin, the capital city of the Golan Heights. A
Katzrin: The Ancient Talmudic Village & Synagogue
Filmed by a tour guide, this video (02:48) shows tourists walking through the ancient Jewish village and synagogue at the
Rediscovering the Ancient Golan at The Golan Archaeological Museum
From the Biblical Archaeology Review Journal, this article highlights some of the important archaeological finds on display at the Golan
Living with Terror Rockets, Tunnels, Balloons & Kites in Kibbutz Nir Am
This heartbreaking video (03:01) reveals the reality of living under the constant threat of terror attacks in Kibbutz Nir Am,
Kibbutz Nir Am: Life Under Threat
In this i24NEWS segment (02:23), Dana Bar-On from Kibbutz Nir Am describes how residents attempt to go on living a
Moshe Smilansky: A Zionist Pioneer & Author
From the website of the Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, this short article provides basic biographical information about
A Brief History of Kibbutz Nir Am
This short article from the Jewish Virtual Library provides historical background on Kibbutz Nir Am, an agricultural community located close
Supporting Israel’s Innovative Water Solutions
Produced by the JNF, this video (05:54) looks at the organization’s contributions to innovative solutions to Israel’s water crisis, including the
KKL-JNF’s Acquisition of Land in the Negev Desert (1941-1950)
From the website of KKL-JNF, this article details the organization’s activities from 1941-1950, focusing on the the establishment and support
KKL-JNF: Making the Desert Bloom
Produced by KKL-JNF, this video (04:40) shows how JNF’s Australia’s contributions to innovative water solutions in the Negev Desert have
The Ideology & Activities of the Irgun/Etzel
Including interviews with a former Irgun member and global terrorism experts, this video (09:28) introduces the ideology and actions of
The Akko Prison Break (1947)
Produced by i24NEWS, this video (02:06) tells the dramatic story of the Akko Prison Break, an operation carried out by
Neve Tzedek: Hip & Historical
This video (03:44) tells the story of Neve Tzedek, the first Jewish neighborhood built outside of the old port city
The Story of Ein Karem: Birthplace of John the Baptist
Produced by Christians United for Israel and Trinity Broadcasting Network, this episode of The Watchman (05:23) takes viewers on a
Ein Kerem: Jerusalem’s Village Within a City
Produced by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (02:13) introduces Ein Kerem, a quaint, picturesque neighbourhood on the southwest border
Coexistence in Haifa: The Holiday of Holidays Festival
Produced by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (02:42) highlights the diverse city of Haifa as a symbol of
The Baha’i Gardens in Haifa
Produced by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (03:47) introduces the Baha’i Gardens in Haifa, a UN World Heritage
The Baha’i Gardens in Akko
This video (02:30) shows aerial footage of the beautiful Baha’i Gardens in Akko, which surround the mansion where Bahá’u’lláh, the prophet
Welcome to Akko: From Ancient Sites to Modern Marketplaces
This video (02:31) briefly introduces the city of Akko, highlighting its ancient history, archaeological sites, diverse population, and the historic outdoor
Sataf: Ancient Agriculture in Action
From the website of JNF-KKL, this article describes the history, nature and unique features of the Sataf site, located on
The Secrets of the Old City of Akko
Produced by the Old Acre Development Company and the Ministry of Tourism, this creative video (08:35) blends video footage and
Masada: Breathtaking Views & A Dramatic Tale
This video (02:03) shows excellent aerial footage of the ancient mountaintop fortress of Masada, along with an brief onscreen retelling of
How Do We Tell the Story of Masada? A Window into Modern Israel
This fascinating, animated video (04:04) briefly describes the history of Masada, with an emphasis on the role the alleged mass suicide
The Siege of Masada: What Really Happened?
Produced by Andrew Henry, a Ph.D student in Religious Studies and creator of the Religion for Breakfast YouTube channel, this informative video
Biblical Archaeology in the Ella Valley
Produced by the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem in Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (08:52) highlights the significance of
Life for Israelis Near the Gaza Border
Life for Israelis near the Gaza border is no picnic to say the least, as this clip (4:31) from The
Sderot Residents Live in Fear of Gaza Rockets
Get a glimpse into what life is like for residents of the Gaza envelope in this clip (3:20) from VOA
Heroes of Operation Protective Edge
Meet some of the heroes behind 2014’s Operation Protective Edge in this clip (5:35) from the Friends of the IDF.
An IDF Soldier’s Account from Gaza
In this clip from the IDF (4:21), Lieutenant Adam Landau of the 188th Armored Brigade describes his firsthand experiences during
Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance in Israel
Published by online Israeli news magazine, Israeli 21c, this video [03:36] spotlights the prestigious Suzanne Dellal cultural center, located in
The Restoration of the Writers’ House and the establishment of the Nahum Gutman Museum of Art
This video [05:25], published by the National Portal of Museums in Israel, offers a brief overview of the life and
Neve Tzedek: Where Old Meets New in Tel Aviv
Check out Neve Tzedek, the trendy Tel Aviv neighborhood featured in this video [03:45], published by the online news magazine
Be’er Sheva River Park: A Jewel in Israel’s Desert
In Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (01:00) shows how JNF-KKL’s Beersheva River Park restoration project has transformed a garbage
The Jerusalem Light Rail: A Microcosm of the City’s Diversity
Produced by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (02:01) introduces the Jerusalem Light Rail, the first in Israel,
The Hurva Synagogue: A Symbol of Rebuilt Jerusalem
This post tells the story behind the historic Hurva Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Drying the Hula Lake: A Firsthand Account
In this brief clip (1:14), Nahum Bendel, artist and former employee of one of Israel’s oldest construction companies, documents his
Israel’s Amazing Tank Museum
Check out Israel’s world-renowned tank collection and learn about the fascinating story of Latrun in this video tour (3:45) of
Hula Lake Valley: A Bird Oasis in the Galilee
This clip (6:11) introduces KKL-JNF’s Hula Lake Park visitors center. With no fewer than 500 million birds passing through yearly
The Makings of a World-Renowned Bird-Watching Site
This brief clip (1:00) describes the amazing work that KKL-JNF has done to rehabilitate and revive the now world-renowned Hula
The Historical and Current Significance of the Knesset
This film [10:03], produced by Lapam, Israel’s Government Advertising Agency, illustrates the importance of the Knesset, and the historical decisions
The Changing Balance Between the Jewish and Non-Jewish Population of Jerusalem
This graph is included in an article published by the Jewish People Policy Institute, an independent professional policy think tank. The
White Night in Tel Aviv
From i24NEWS, this video (02:27) introduces “White Night,” an all-night cultural event in Tel Aviv celebrated each year since UNESCO
The White City: A UNESCO World Heritage Site
This article from the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality website explains why UNESCO proclaimed a historic area of Tel Aviv as a World
Before Bauhaus: “White City, Black City” Remembers Tel Aviv-Jaffa’s Forgotten History
Written by urban planner Jesse Fox in Haaretz, this article is a summary and review of Sharon Rotbard’s “White City, Black
The White City of Tel Aviv
This informative video (01:35) introduces the unique architectural story of “The White City” of Tel Aviv, a UNESCO World Heritage
Jerusalem’s Changing Demographics
The above graphs are from the publication “Facts and Trends 2018.” They present Jerusalem’s population in comparison to other major Israeli
How did the Tower of David Get its Name?
This informative article [4 pgs.] from the official website of the Tower of David Museum of the History of Jerusalem,
The Split Between East and West Jerusalem
This video [04:47], published by i24NEWS, an Israeli international news channel based in Tel Aviv, presents the difficult dilemma of
The Old City of Jerusalem: a Tour of the Ramparts
This video [03:46], produced for the Jerusalem Development Authority by the Israeli audio touring company, Tour-man, guides viewers through the
Jerusalem’s Diverse and Changing Population
This video [04:20] , published by i24NEWS, an Israeli international news channel based in Tel Aviv, portrays the deep social
A Brief Background on the Ultra-Orthodox Vote in Jerusalem
In this video [04:39], published by i24NEWS, an Israeli international news channel based in Tel Aviv, Dr.Gilad Malach, head of
History of Jerusalem’s Tower of David
This video [05:43], published by i24NEWS, an Israel-based international news channel, briefly explains the multi-layered history of Jerusalem’s “Tower of
An Overview of the Knesset
This video [01:42], produced by the Israel Project, an American educational organization committed to informing global media about Israel, explains
The Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem: an Architectural Gem
This video, published by the Jewish Learning Institute, an organization committed to making Jewish learning accessible and meaningful to Jews
Bursting the ‘Bubble’ as Tel Aviv Turns 100
In this article, Lisa Goldman explores how the vision of the “First Hebrew City” has been achieved in “one of
The Walls Surrounding the Old City of Jerusalem
In this video [10:36] produced by i24NEWS, an Israel-based international news channel, tour guide Asaf Salomon explains the history of
A Brief History of Tel Aviv
From the Tel Aviv Municipality website, this article summarizes the history of the First Hebrew City, from its founding in
Tel Aviv Celebrates 100 Years
Produced by ISRAEL21c in honor of Tel Aviv’s 100th birthday, this video (03:16) celebrates how far Israel has come since
Shrinking Sea of Galilee Has Some Hoping for a Miracle
This article from i24NEWS warns readers of the shrinking of the Sea of Galilee (also known as the Kinneret), often seen
Golan Heights: History & Overview
This article from the Jewish Virtual Library presents a historical overview of the Golan heights from biblical through modern times, a
Tourist Attractions in the Haifa Region
This article presents a roundup of the best attractions in Haifa and the surrounding areas, including holy shrines, museums, parks,
Startup Guide: Tel Aviv
Startup Guide: Tel Aviv is a website dedicated to connecting entrepreneurs with Tel Aviv’s dynamic startup scene, providing an introduction to
The Mythography of Tel Aviv
Produced by Leadel, a Jewish Media Hub that focuses on Jewish identity in the 21st century, this video (09:41) explores the
A Tale of Two Cities: Jerusalem & Tel Aviv in an Age of Globalization
In this academic article (13 pages), Prof. Nurit Alfasi of Ben Gurion University and Prof. Tovi Fenster of Tel Aviv University compare the
Trees Rooted in Tel Aviv’s History
An ode to Israel’s trees in honor of Tu B’shvat, this Times of Israel Blog post follows tree historian Yaacov Shkolnik of the
The White City of Tel Aviv: The Modern Movement
From the UNESCO website, this video (01:58) and accompanying article explore the history, architectural vision and symbolism behind “The White City”
Jerusalem: Facts and Trends 2018
“Jerusalem: Facts and Trends 2018” is a 102 page long publication from the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research that presents
Sharing Sacred Space: Holy Places in Jerusalem Between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
In this academic article (14 pages), Professor Ora Limor from the Department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies at the Open
The Road to Jerusalem
This article from the Jewish Virtual Library takes readers on a virtual tour of Jerusalem, introducing the important landmarks, architectural features, diverse population
The Bedouins of the Negev: A Population Transforming
This very short article presents a snapshot of Israel’s Bedouin population, including a summary of the complex cultural changes underway
Jerusalem: Three Religions, One City
From the PBS LearningMedia Sacred Journeys series, this engaging video (03:59) explores Jerusalem as a sacred city that holds some
10 Reasons Why Hiking in the Negev Should Be on Your Bucket List
From the website of The Green Backpackers desert hostel and hikers base camp in Mitzpe Ramon, this blog post points
Top 10 Things To Do In The Negev Desert
This article from Culture Trip reveals some of the best attractions to visit in the Negev Desert, including archaeological sites,
An Introduction to the Al-Aqsa Mosque
This informative article introduces the history and significance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, located on the Haram al-Sharif, the third holiest
Muhammad’s Night Journey to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Ascension from the Dome of the Rock
This short video (01:17) briefly describes the physical and spiritual Night Journey described in the Quran and other Muslim teachings,
The History & Significance of the Dome of the Rock in Islam & Judaism
Produced by Andrew Henry, a Ph.D student in Religious Studies and creator of the Religion for Breakfast YouTube channel, this
An Introduction to the Dome of the Rock
Written by Dr. Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis, an archaeologist and architectural historian, this article explains the history, design and political and religious
The Second Temple & its Destruction: A Look into the Psyche of Ancient Judaism
An except from Rabbi Irving Greenberg’s “The Jewish Way: Living the Holidays,” this article describes the unimaginable shattering of the Jewish
The Construction, Spiritual Significance & A 3D Virtual Tour of Solomon’s Temple
This lengthy video (16:30) is a dramatic, animated short film in which King Solomon describes to King Rehoboam, his son
An Introduction to the Sacred Jewish Temples
Produced by Christian historian and author, Kelly Warman-Stallings, this video (08:11) provides an introduction to the history of the First
The Roman Siege of Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Second Temple
Created by HistoryPod a daily “on this day” YouTube history channel, this brief video (02:44) recalls the Roman attack on Jerusalem,
The Talmudic Tale of Kamtza & Bar Kamtza and the Destruction of the Second Temple
Created by Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, this animated video (04:03) retells the famous Talmudic tale of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza as
The Babylonian Conquest and the Destruction of the First Temple
Produced by Megalim, the City of David Institute for Jerusalem Studies, this informative video (07:32) recalls the history of the
Virtual Tour of the Second Temple
This fascinating video (12:29) takes viewers on a virtual tour of an animated 3D reconstruction of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Jewish History from the Building of the First Temple through the Destruction of the Second Temple
This post presents four short, informative videos in which Jewish historian Rabbi Berel Wein explains the period of Jewish history from the building
What Was the Holy Temple?
Written by Rabbi Mendy Hecht for, this thorough article describes the physical structure of the First and Second Temples,
Solomon’s Stables
From the GoJerusalem City Guide website, this article describes the history and significance of Solomon’s Stables, a large underground space
The Layout of the Temple Mount During the Crusader period
In this informal yet informative video (03:36), archaeologist Frankie Snyder draws a diagram and describes the the layout of the
Photographs & Explanations of the Closed Sites of the Temple Mount
Compiled by Ron Peled of the All About Jerusalem city tour guide website, this 18-page document contains photographs and descriptions
Interactive Virtual Tour of Haram al-Sharif
Produced by Al Jazeera, a state-funded Qatari news network, this interactive video (06:37) provides a detailed virtual tour of the Haram al-Sharif
Thorough Virtual Tour of Haram-Al Sharif
Created for AramcoWorld Magazine, which aims to broaden knowledge of the Arab and Muslim worlds, this link opens up a
What Makes Jerusalem So Holy to All Monotheistic Faiths?
Written by Erica Chernovsky of the BBC, this informative article explains why Jerusalem is sacred to each of the three
The Significance of Jerusalem in Christianity
Produced by Voice of America News, a U.S. government-funded international multimedia agency, this video (04:00) explores the significance of Jerusalem
The Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem in Christianity Through Scriptures & Prophecy
Created by the One for Israel Ministry, an evangelical organization that seeks to share the Gospel of Jesus with Israelis,
Jerusalem: Sacred to the Three Monotheistic Faiths
This video (05:09) provides a general introduction to the historic city of Jerusalem and its significance to each of the
Jerusalem’s Sacred Christian Sites
Published on the website of the Holy Land Voyager, a Christian tour agency, this article describes the significance of Jerusalem
Why was Jerusalem Important to the First Muslims?
Written by Robert G. Hoyland, a Professor of Early Islamic Middle Eastern History at New York University, this thorough article discusses
The History of Jerusalem’s Importance in Islam
Produced by Israel for Tourists, this informative video (02:53) provides a historical approach to the significance of Jerusalem in Islam,
The Significance of Jerusalem in Islam
This introductory article from ThoughtCo clearly explains the religious significance of Jerusalem in Islam. Known in Arabic as Al-Quds or Baitul-Maqdis (“The
Why is Jerusalem So Important for Muslims?
This introductory video (01:00) provides a list of the different reasons why Jerusalem is considered sacred according to Muslim tradition.
IDF: The Military Story of the Six Day War
Produced by the Israel Defense Forces in Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (09:04) describes Israel’s military victory against four enemy
Six Days of Miracles: The Religious Significance of the Six Day War
Created by the World Mizrahi religious Zionist organization, this uplifting video (10:09) interprets Israel’s surprising and total victory in the Six
BBC Archives: Tensions in Jerusalem Following the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (03:20) presents the tensions in Jerusalem immediately following the Six Day War. The video
Mayor Nir Barkat: Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital
In this short video (0:53), Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat affirms that the city of Jerusalem is the spiritual, national, united
Battles on the Road to Jerusalem During the War of Independence
Produced by i24News to mark 70 years since the establishment of the State of Israel, this video (05:26) looks back on some
PM Ariel Sharon’s Address at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
This post presents the text of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s speech at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
The Battles of the Paratroopers in the Six Day War
From the official website of Ammunition Hill, this link provides detailed information about the role of the Paratrooper Brigade during
Soldiers Describe the Battle for Ammunition Hill & Jerusalem: 50 Years Later
Written by journalist Paul Auster to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, this article from the Jerusalem
President Reuven Rivlin’s Speech at Opening of US Embassy in Jerusalem
This video (06:52) presents Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin’s speech at the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem in 2018. He
Israeli & Jordanian Veterans Meet On Ammunition Hill 50 Years Later
This article from the Times of Israel describes a unique encounter between Israeli and Jordanian veterans of the Six Day
Inspired by 1967: A Panel Discussion with Yossi Klein Halevi, Michael Oren & Nir Barkat
Held in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, this video (17:30) presents a panel discussion about
The Significance of Ammunition Hill
This home video (02:50) takes viewers on a brief tour of the bunkers and trenches of Ammunition Hill, emphasizing the heroism
IDF Veteran Yaki Hetz Returns to Ammunition Hill: 50 Years Later
In this video (04:19), produced by i24News to mark 50 years since the Six Day War, Yaakov “Yaki” Hetz, a decorated IDF veteran
The Wall of Honor at Ammunition Hill: A Tribute to Jewish Soldiers Around the World
Produced by the Jewish National Fund, this video (06:32) introduces the Wall of Honor at Ammunition Hill, a tribute to
Ammunition Hill Memorial Site: Telling the Story
Produced by the Jewish National Fund, this video (02:09) describes the Memorial Site of Ammunition Hill as a symbol of Jewish and Israeli
The Battle for Ammunition Hill: An Interview with Abraham Rabinovitch
In this video (05:12), Abraham Rabinovich, author of “”The Battle for Jerusalem,” describes the battle for Ammunition Hill, including the strategic
The Strategic Importance of the Battle for Ammunition Hill
This video (07:40) recalls the bloody battle of Ammunition Hill, explaining why this strategic site needed to be conquered in
The Battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War: Survival of a Nation
Produced by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, this moving video (08:29) tells the story of Israel’s 1967 battles for Jerusalem and
Interviews with Soldiers from Ammunition Hill: 40 Years Later
In this video (04:02), three IDF veterans recall the bloody battle of Ammunition Hill during the Six Day War. With honesty,
An Interview with the Director of “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
Filmed at Ammunition Hill, this video (06:47) presents an interview with Erin Zimmerman, the director of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s
The Conquest of Armon Hanatziv in 1967
From the Ammunition Hill Memorial Site website, this lengthy article provides a detailed account of the military conquest of Armon
The Hasmonean Aqueduct Tunnel in Armon Hanatziv
Written by Ron Peled from, this article provides a detailed description of the 2000 year old aqueduct that once
Introducing the Holy City from the Armon Hanatziv Promenade
This low quality video (0:54) presents tour guide Muki Jankelowitz introducing a group to the significance of Jerusalem from the
The Tolerance Monument Near Armon Hanatziv
This post presents a video and article introducing the Tolerance Monument, a symbolic statue located in the Tolerance Park between
Armon Hanatziv: The Palace of the Governor
From World Jewish Heritage Wiki, this article presents the modern history of the Armon Hanatziv government structure in Jerusalem from
Psalm 125:2 – The Mountains Surrounding Jerusalem
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the second verse of Psalm 125, in which God’s protection for
Armon Hanatziv Attractions: Hasmonean Aqueduct & Segway Tours
Created by the City of David, this video (03:01) highlights some of the activities and attractions offered at the Armon
The Hasmonean Water Tunnel
Created by Israel Inside Out, this low quality video (01:47) introduces the 2000 year old Hasmonean aqueduct located near the Armon
The History & Spiritual Significance of Armon Hanatziv
In this video (03:04), tour guide Rabbi David Ebstein provides a comprehensive introduction to Armon Hanatziv, including its biblical history, its role
A Virtual Guide of the Western Wall Tunnels
Created by All About Jerusalem, this video (05:08) takes viewers on a virtual tour of the Western Wall Tunnels, the continuation of
An Introduction to the Armon Hanatziv Promenade
From the Jerusalem Insiders’ Guide website, this article provides a comprehensive introduction to the Armon Hanatziv Promenade, including a detailed description of
The Modern History of Armon Hanatziv
This short video (0:52) provides a brief historical timeline of the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, from its founding in 1928, through
A Virtual Tour of the Southern Wall Excavations
Created by All About Jerusalem, in this video (03:13), tour guide and archaeologist Danny Herman, takes viewers on a virtual tour of the archaeological excavations
The Sounds of the Old City of Jerusalem
Written by Sarah Tuttle-Singer, the New Media editor at the Times of Israel, this blog post describes the atmosphere and sounds
The History of the Old City of Jerusalem
From HaAtika, the official website of the Old City of Jerusalem, this post presents a concise history of the Old
The Legends of Zedekiah’s Cave
Created by All About Jerusalem, this video (03:27) introduces the mysterious site of Zedekiah’s Cave (also known as King Solomon’s Quarries and the
A Brief Virtual Tour of the Old City of Jerusalem
Created by the Israeli branch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the world’s largest Christian television, network, this video (06:14) takes
Ancient Maps of Jerusalem
Created by the the Jerusalem Municipality, this article presents images and explanations of a collection of ancient maps of Jerusalem,
Touring the Four Quarters of the Old City from the Rooftops
This video (06:21) from Israeli tour guide, Itay Rotem, presents an excellent introduction to the four quarters of the Old
Liberating the Old City of Jerusalem: A Personal Story
Created by the Israel Defense Forces, this moving video (01:04) recalls the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and
Quotes from the Sages About Jerusalem
This post presents a collection of quotes from rabbinic liturgy describing the significance of Jerusalem in Jewish tradition. Quotes from
20 Famous Quotes About Jerusalem
This post presents a selection of famous quotes about the power and role of Jerusalem from a wide range of
The Walls & Gates of the Old City of Jerusalem
In this informative video (03:30), local tour guide Jenni Menashe gives an entertaining introduction to the history and significance of
Jaffa Gate
This informative video (03:11) tells the story of the history and significance of Jaffa Gate, one of the main entrances
The Gates of the Old City
This post presents a map of the seven gates in the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, along with
12 Things You Need to Know About Moses Montefiore: Jewish Benefactor Extraordinaire
This article provides both basic biographical information and lesser known facts and anecdotes about Sir Moses Montefiore, the British Jewish
The Jewish Journey of Sir Moses Montefiore
Created by Orthodox Rabbi, Netanel Friedman, this video (04:23) explores Sir Moses Montefiore’s personal connection to Judaism throughout his life. After describing
The Story Behind Jerusalem’s Iconic Windmill
In Hebrew with English subtitles, this fascinating video (12:58) tells the story behind the iconic windmill of Jerusalem, showing how the
The History of the Windmill: Official Brochure
Created by the Jerusalem Foundation, this 10-page brochure details the history of Jerusalem’s iconic windmill, from the initial construction by Sir Moses
Tranquil Dwellings: The Story of Mishkenot Sha’ananim
Written by Israeli tour guides, Shmuel and Aviva Bar Am, this article tells the story of Mishkenot Sha’ananim and Yemin Moshe,
How Did Moses Montiefiore Convince People to Move to Yemin Moshe?
This short video (02:53), provides a brief introduction to the history of the Yemin Moshe neighborhood in Jerusalem, focusing on
Sir Moses Montefiore: “A Great Jew Devoted to the Jewish People”
In this short video (03:12), Jewish historian Rabbi Berel Wein, introduces the life and legacy of Sir Moses Montefiore, the
Jerusalem: The Eternal Jewish Capital
Featuring Danny Ayalon, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Israeli Ambassador to the US, this animated video (04:00) presents the historical,
Why Israelis and Palestinians Both Claim Jerusalem
Created by Vox, a liberal-leaning American news and opinion website, this video (05:00) explains the religious and historical reasons why both Israelis and Palestinians
The Significance of the Temple Mount in Judaism, Islam & Christianity
In this simple video (05:10), archaeology student and Jerusalem tour guide, Nir Ortal, outlines the significance of the Temple Mount
Zionism in Animation: A Concise History of Jerusalem
Part of The Jewish Story In Animation, a Zionist educational initiative, this animated video (01:45) presents a concise summary of the history of
The Contributions of Different Populations to Jerusalem Throughout History
Produced by Emek Shaveh, this animated video (02:38) briefly summarizes the history of Jerusalem from prehistoric to modern times, focusing
Celebrating 3500 years of Jewish History in Jerusalem
Modeled after a Facebook-generated video, this creative video (01:36) celebrates the Jewish presence in Jerusalem from biblical to modern times, highlighting
An Animated History of Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes
Produced by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, an independent research institute specializing in public diplomacy and foreign policy, this comprehensive
Women of the Wall: Liberating the Western Wall Again
Created by the Women of the Wall in 2013, this promotional video (05:03) introduces the goals and challenges faced by this multi-denominational
The History of Yom Kippur
This article from presents the historical development of the focus and rituals of Yom Kippur, from its biblical origins
Six Reasons Why The Western Wall Is Holy
This article from provides historical and spiritual reasons for why the Western Wall is a holy site in Jewish tradition. Among the explanations
Sacred Siteseeing: A Virtual Tour of the Western Wall
In this video (5:15) from, tour guide, Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, takes viewers on a virtual tour of the Western
Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook: Behind Our Wall
An English translation of an excerpt from an article written by Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook in 1937, this piece describes
Educational Resources for Exploring the Western Wall Controversies
This post provides three different resources designed to help guide discussions and programming concerning some of the religious and political
What is the Western Wall?
This short introductory video briefly summarizes the historical and religious significance of the Western Wall, the holiest site in Jewish
An Archaeological Approach to the Significance of the Western Wall & The Temple Mount
In this informative video (4:50), Ze’ev Orenstein, the Director of International Affairs at the City of David, presents the historical and biblical
The Ancient Significance of Mount Moriah
This article briefly lists some of the ancient biblical stories that allegedly took place on Mount Moriah (later known as
Rabbi Sacks on Jerusalem: The 50th Anniversary of Reunification
In this moving video (7:15), Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the previous Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, tells the moving story of
Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall
In this post from, Rabbi David Stadley (Orthodox) answers the question of what prayers should be said at the
Reenactment of the Biblical Shavuot First-Fruits & Twin Loaves Offerings
This 4-minute long video presents a reenactment of the first-fruit and twin loaves offerings, as they were performed in the ancient Temple
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The Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall
This short video (4:08) shows tens of thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall for the Birkat Kohanim, the
Selichot at the Western Wall
This short video shows thousands of Jews gathering together for the final night of Selichot prayers before Yom Kippur at
Prayer for the Women of the Wall
This post presents the Hebrew and English text for a special prayer written for the Women of the Wall, by
5 Psalms to Recite at the Western Wall
Although there are no specific prayers that must be said at the Western Wall, there are several chapters of Psalms
A Traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall
This 7:40 minute long video presents highlights from a traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The
Mareh Kohen: A Song About the High Priest’s Yom Kippur Service
This post provides an audio recording of “Mareh Kohen,” a song from the Yom Kippur Mussaf prayer service that attempts
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom
Beit Tefilah Israeli’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Havdalah: A Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, a Hebrew and
The Masorti Movement’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Twilight: Moving from Memorial to Independence, a ceremony written by the Masorti Foundation
Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall
In this post from, Rabbi David Stadley (Orthodox) answers the question of what prayers should be said at the
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Children of Sderot by Tim Davis and Sha-Ron
Children of Sderot (4:13) is a heartfelt outpouring of sympathy for the children of Israel’s border communities who grow up
Prayer of the Mothers by Yael Deckelbaum and Women Wage Peace
In Prayer of the Mothers (5:20), Israeli artist Yael Deckelbaum pairs with Jewish and Palestinian women of the Women Wage
Code Red Song – Helping Children Deal with Terror
In this clip (1:14), watch the amazing way children of Sderot respond to a Code Red siren in their school.
Legend in the Dunes
In Hebrew with English subtitles, this nostalgic song tells the story of a century of Tel Aviv’s evolution, from its
Arik Einstein: White City
This audio recording from 1984 presents Arik Einstein’s rendition of a song written and composed by Naomi Shemer in 1958.
Give Us a Hand and We’ll Go: The Century Song of Tel Aviv
This nostalgic song about the early days of Tel Aviv was chosen to be “The Century Song of Tel Aviv”
Oh God, We Want to Pray at Al-Aqsa: Arabic Children’s Song
In Arabic with English subtitles, this music video features Mohammed Bashar and Dema Bashar singing about the historical and religious significance of
Naomi Shemer: Father’s Song
Written by Naomi Shemer in 1966, this song expresses the eternal Jewish hope and faith in the rebuilding of the
Safam: Nachamu Ami (Comfort My People)
This video presents Safam singing “Nachamu Ami” in both Hebrew and English with Hebrew, English and transliterated subtitles. The lyrics,
Al Quds Tunadeena: Oh Jerusalem, Our Home
Released during the Second Intifada, this religious and nationalistic song by Ahmed Bukhatir, a Muslim singer, businessman and politician in
The Melodians: Rivers of Babylon
This post presents “Rivers of Babylon,” a Rastafari song written by the Jamaican reggae group The Melodians in 1970. The
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Yibaneh Hamikdash (The Temple Will Be Rebuilt)
This short audio recording features Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach singing his original upbeat melody for “Yibaneh Hamikdash,” a popular Jewish song
The Holy City: A Christian Hymn
The Holy City is a religious Christian Victorian ballad from 1892, with music by Michael Maybrick (aka Stephen Adams) and lyrics (provided below)
Flower of Cities: An Arabic Song About Returning to Jerusalem
Sung by the Lebanese artist, Fairuz, one of the most influential singers in the Arab Song, this song was written
IDF Central Command Variety Ensemble: Guard of the Walls
Written in 1977, this classic Israeli folk song by the Central Command Variety Ensemble of the Israel Defense Forces (Pikud Hamercaz)
Yehoram Gaon: From the Summit of Mount Scopus
This song, performed by Israeli singer and cultural icon, Yehoram Gaon, expresses the eternal Jewish longing to return to and
Yaffa Yarkoni: Bab el Wad
Written by Haim Gouri, composed by Shmuel Farshko and performed by Yaffa Yarkoni, this moving song commemorates the battles of
Ami Yares & Heartbeat: Jerusalem
This video features songwriter, musician and educator Ami Yares performing his original song “Jerusalem” together with Heartbeat, a social change organization
Paul Simon: Silent Eyes
Written by American singer-songwriter Paul Simon, Silent Eyes is a moving song about Jerusalem. Silent Eyes Silent eyes Watching Jerusalem
Glykeria: Shabechi Yerushalyim
This video presents Greek singer Glykeria’s Hebrew performance of the Israeli folk song, Shabechi Yerushalayim, together with the Israeli Philarmonic Orchestra. While
Blue Fringe: City of Gold
A moving song to Jerusalem, City of Gold was written by Blue Fringe, an American Jewish band. City Of Gold
Meir Ariel: Jerusalem of Iron
“Jerusalem of Iron” was written by Israeli singer-songwriter Meir Ariel following the Six Day War to the melody of Naomi
Avraham Fried: Yerushalayim SheBalev
With Hebrew and English lyrics on the backdrop of pictures of Jerusalem, this video features Avraham Fried‘s song “Yerushalayim Shebalev,” which describes
Don Mclean: Jerusalem
This video presents American singer-songwriter Don McLean’s song “Jerusalem,” written at the request of then-Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek for a
Lach Yerushalayim: An Israeli Folk Song
This video presents the Israeli folk song, Lach Yerushalayim, written by Amos Etinger, composed by A. Rubinstein, and performed by
Hadag Nachash: Here I Come (Lyrics & Lesson Plan)
This post presents Hadag Nachash’s song “Here I Come,” which follows one man’s journey between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and
Yonina: Jerusalem Mashup
In this video, husband-wife team, Yonina, perform a creative medley of traditional and modern songs about Jerusalem, including Yaakov Shwekey’s melody for “If
Daliah Lavi: Jerusalem
This video presents Israeli actress, singer and model Daliah Lavi performing her song, Jerusalem, released in 1970. The lyrics, provided
Maureen Nehedar: Beautiful Heights
This video features Persian Jewish singer, Maureen Nehedar, singing an emotive melody for a moving song about Jerusalem, with lyrics
Alpha Blondy: Jerusalem
A call for peace between Jews, Christians and Muslims, this video features the reggae singer Alpha Blondy singing in English,
Sabaton: Counterstrike – A Heavy Metal Song About the Six Day War
This video presents a song about the Six Day War by Sabaton, a Swedish heavy metal band who’s songs recount
The Shira Chadasha Boys Choir: Psalm 125:1-2
This music video features the Shira Chadasha Boys Choir’s song about Jerusalem, an emotive melody for Psalm 125:1-2. These verses, presented
Naomi Shemer: The Binding of Isaac (Hebrew)
This Hebrew song by iconic Israeli singer, Naomi Shemer, tells the biblical story of the Binding of Isaac, as told
Surround Us Lord: A Christian Hymn About the Mountains Surrounding Jerusalem
This video presents an a capella rendition of a Christian hymn based on Psalm 125:2, in which God’s protection for
Ammunition Hill Song
Written by Yair Rosenblum and Yoram Taharlev, this famous song (in Hebrew with English subtitles) tells the story of the bloody
Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival
A promotional video for the annual Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival, this video (02:01) presents highlights from this unique celebration of
City of David: The Place Where it all Began
Created by the City of David, this song (03:01) encourages tourists to come visit the fascinating archaeological site that tells
A Performance of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” on the Old City Walls
A live recording from the light show on the walls of the Old City celebrating the 50th anniversary of the reunification
Matisyahu: Jerusalem (Out Of Darkness Comes Light)
This post presents the official music video for Matisyahu’s Jerusalem, an upbeat yet solemn song expressing the eternal Jewish yearning
Sir Moshe Montefiore: A Hebrew Song by Yehoram Gaon
This famous Israeli song is a tribute to the life and contributions of Sir Moses Montefiore, a British Jewish philanthropist
Sir Moshe Montefiore: A Wind Band’s Rendition of the Famous Hebrew Song
This video presents a lovely version of Sir Moshe Montefiore, a famous Israeli song dedicated to the life and contributions of the
City of David: An Indie-Gospel Cover Song About Jerusalem
Entitled “City of David,” this is the official music video of Feter Hendel’s cover of an old gospel song taught
Koolulam: 1000 People Sing Bob Marley’s “One Love” in Jerusalem
This inspirational video presents 1000 people of different backgrounds who gathered together to sing “One Love” by Bob Marley in English, Hebrew
Women of the Wall: Can’t Keep Quiet
Created by the Women of the Wall, this music video puts footage from the organization’s controversial monthly Rosh Chodesh minyan at
Mareh Kohen: A Song About the High Priest’s Yom Kippur Service
This post provides an audio recording of “Mareh Kohen,” a song from the Yom Kippur Mussaf prayer service that attempts
Yaakov Shwekey at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day
This video presents snippets from the concert of the well-known Jewish musical entertainer, Yaakov Shwekey, at the Western Wall on Yom Yerushalayim
Miri Israeli: HaKotel (The Western Wall)
Written by American-born Israeli artist, Miri Israeli, this emotive song describes the Western Wall as a place where one can
Naomi Shemer: Yerushalayim Shel Zahav / Jerusalem of Gold
This popular Israeli song written by Naomi Shemer describes the Jewish people’s age-old yearning for and ultimate return to Jerusalem. Released just
Singing Ani Ma’amin at the Western Wall on Tisha B’Av
This video shows thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall on Tisha B’av singing Ani Ma’amin (I Believe), a song
Yossi Gamzu: The Kotel (The Western Wall)
Written by Israeli lyricist Yossi Gamzu and performed by Israeli singer Ofra Haza, the song HaKotel conveys the significance of the Western
L’Shana Haba’ah: Next Year in Jerusalem
This song captures the eternal Jewish hope and prayer for the return to Jerusalem. Even though the Jewish people have
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom
Tisha B’Av at the Tayelet
This low quality video (01:18) shows the Armon Hanatziv Promenade on Tisha B’av, where people gather together, overlooking the Old
A Slideshow of the Tayelet
This low quality video (01:43) presents a slideshow of photographs from the Armon Hanatziv Promenade set to the song “Shut Up”
Musical Light Show in Zedekiah’s Cave
This video (01:02) presents a short clip from a fascinating musical light show in Zedekiah’s Cave (also called Solomon’s Quarries and
The Sounds of the Old City of Jerusalem
Produced by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video shows clips from the world music festival in the Old City
Light Show on the Old City Walls: A Timeline of Jerusalem
This video (09:52) presents a beautiful light show on the walls of the Old City, created as part of the
Shabechi Yerushalayim: A Musical Performance at the Re-dedication of the Windmill
This video presents a musical performance at the ceremony marking the re-dedication of Jerusalem’s iconic windmill in 2012, where the restored
What else?
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Tel Azekah: A View From Above
This wordless video (01:30) presents a drone view of Tel Azekah, the site of the biblical battle between David and
1956- Rare Interviews with Ben-Gurion, Nasser, and King Hussein from 1956
This rare video from 1956 (6:57) taken from the YouTube channel SetFree68 was initially prepared as a television broadcast. Interviews with Israeli
Single Combat Duels: From David & Goliath to “Troy”
This video clip from the movie, “Troy” (2004) presents the battle in which Achilles unexpectedly defeats the enormous Boagrius, reminiscent of
The Azekah Inscription: The Strategic Importance of Azekah
The Azekah Inscription, today found in the British Museum, is a an archaeological discovery that describes the military campaign of King
Yanchik Hill Memorial & Lookout
This post presents two photographs of the Yanchik Hill memorial and lookout point located outside of Kibbutz Nir Am. The
The Assaf Siboni Observatory
Produced by a tourist to the site, this video (01:23) presents the view from the Assaf Siboni lookout point, located
Views of the Ella Valley
Created as part of an effort to protect the Ella Valley from construction plans, this video (03:15) showcases the sweeping
A Day in Be’er Sheva River Park
This video (01:11) presents some of the highlights of the restored Be’ersheva River Park, from a children’s park to historical
Map of the White City of Tel Aviv
This map of Tel Aviv highlights the areas of the city that feature Bauhaus architecture. Unfortunately, the map does not
Promotional Video for Tel Aviv White Night
Produced by the Israel Ministry of Tourism, this promotional video (0:52) encourages tourists from around the world to visit Israel
10 Must-See Bauhaus Buildings in Tel Aviv’s White City
This short video (01:02) features ten of Tel Aviv’s most impressive Bauhaus-style buildings, part of the unique architectural collection that
The Flavors of Mahane Yehuda Market
This video, [02:37], published by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, portrays the vibrant atmosphere of the outdoor Mahane Yehuda
The Machane Yehuda Market: A Reflection of Jerusalem
This video [01:30], published by the Official Youtube Channel of the State of Israel, offers a glimpse into the bustling
Hayim Nahman Bialik on the First Hebrew City
This writing by Hayim Nahman Bialik (1873-1934), the national poet of Israel, expresses the inspiration and wonder he felt being
Mayor Ron Huldai: Innovation in Tel Aviv’s Past, Present & Future
This video (10:20) presents Tel Aviv Mayor, Ron Huldai, speaking at the 2015 Tel Aviv Cities Summit, a conference that brings together
Amos Oz: Jerusalem vs. Tel Aviv
This post presents an exert from Amos Oz’s “A Tale of Love and Darkness” that compares the culture, atmosphere and
Tel Aviv: 100 Years in 15 Minutes
Comprised of photographs and video footage from the the Tel Aviv archives, this video spans the impressive century-long journey of
PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Statement Regarding the Temple Mount
Filmed in 2015, amid rising tensions and violence between Israelis and Palestinians regarding an alleged change to the security arrangements
Second Temple Archaeology
This link opens up Bible History Online’s page about significant archaeological discoveries related to the Second Temple, including photographs and
Diagram of the Temple Mount Expansions
This post presents two diagrams depicting the size and layout of the Temple Mount during the First and Second Temple
The Legend of Napoleon on Tisha B’Av
This post retells the legend of Napoleon Bonaparte’s impressions upon stumbling upon a group of Jews mourning the destruction of
The Story Behind the Six Day War’s Most Famous Photo
Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short interview (04:26) with photographer David Rubinger reveals the story behind the iconic picture of
Letters from Jerusalem: 1947-1948
This link provides a sample of letters that capture the spirit of the new country from the book “Letters from Jerusalem, 1947-1948”
Rabbi Yehuda Halevi: Jerusalem
This post presents medieval Spanish Jewish physician poet and philosopher Rabbi Yehuda Halevi’s poem “Jerusalem,” translated to English by Robert
Natan Yonatan: Everyone Has a Jerusalem
This post presents an English translation of a Hebrew poem about Jerusalem written by celebrated Israeli poet, Natan Yonatan (1923-2004).
Trailer for “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
This video (1:31) is a trailer for the Christian Broadcasting Network’s documentary, “In Our Hands,” which tells the story of the
Genesis 22:1-18 – The Binding of Isaac
This post presents an English translation of the biblical text of the Binding of Isaac, as told in Genesis Chapter
Ethiopian Jews Celebrate Sigd in Jerusalem
Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short news segment (02:26) introduces the ancient Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd, which symbolizes
A Slideshow of the Tayelet
This low quality video (01:43) presents a slideshow of photographs from the Armon Hanatziv Promenade set to the song “Shut Up”
Tisha B’Av at the Tayelet
This low quality video (01:18) shows the Armon Hanatziv Promenade on Tisha B’av, where people gather together, overlooking the Old
An Animated 3D Reconstruction of the City of David and the Temple
A short clip from the 3D movie from the City of David tour, this video (01:22) shows an animated recreation of
The Old City, Now and Then: 1925 and 2012
This video (06:47) compares video footage from the holy sites of the Old City in 1925 and 2012, including Jaffa Gate, Damascus
Voices of Jerusalem: Celebrating 50 Years Since the Reunification
Produced by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat in celebration of the 50th anniversary since the reunification of the city during the Six
Assassin’s Creed Meets Parkour in the Old City
This entertaining video (03:39) features two talented daredevils flipping and jumping over the rooftops and alleyways of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Maps of Each of the Four Quarters of the Old City
From HaAtika, the official website of the Old City of Jerusalem, this post presents a clear map of the gates, streets and some
Musical Light Show in Zedekiah’s Cave
This video (01:02) presents a short clip from a fascinating musical light show in Zedekiah’s Cave (also called Solomon’s Quarries and
The Sounds of the Old City of Jerusalem
Produced by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video shows clips from the world music festival in the Old City
Light Show on the Old City Walls: A Timeline of Jerusalem
This video (09:52) presents a beautiful light show on the walls of the Old City, created as part of the
The Jerusalem Festival of Light in the Old City
This video (01:34) presents some highlights from the The 2017 Jerusalem Festival of Light in 2017, an annual event in
The Old City of Jerusalem: A Magical City of Splendor
Produced by the Israel Ministry of Tourism, this video (01:29) presents some of the highlights of the Old City of
The Church Bells of the Holy Sepulchre
This video (01:58) presents the ringing of the bells of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of the
Tourist Map of the Old City of Jerusalem
Created by iTravelJerusalem, this comprehensive map highlights the main tourist attraction and historical sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, including
15 Old City of Jerusalem Audio Walking Tours & Mobile App
This post presents links to the audio guides for 15 different walking tours of the Old City, created by the
Jerusalem: Not Quite What You Expected – Yemin Moshe
This short animated video, featuring two imaginary creatures playing on Jerusalem’s iconic windmill, was part of a 50th anniversary project of
Shabechi Yerushalayim: A Musical Performance at the Re-dedication of the Windmill
This video presents a musical performance at the ceremony marking the re-dedication of Jerusalem’s iconic windmill in 2012, where the restored
Sir Moses Montefiore’s Coat of Arms
This post presents a picture and basic explanation of Sir Moses Montefiore’s Coat of Arms, which features symbols of Judaism
Jerusalem’s Restored Windmill Spins for the First Time
Shared by the Jerusalem Foundation, this very short video shows the exciting moment when the iconic windmill of Jerusalem spun
A Timeline of Mishkenot Sha’ananim: 1855-2013
This link will open up an illustrated timeline of Mishekenot Sha’ananim, the first neighborhood established outside of the walls of
Sir Moses Montefiore & The Windmill on the Old Shekel Note
This post features a picture of a one shekel note from 1980-1985, when the Old Israeli Shekel was the currency
The Windmill in Yemin Moshe: Now & Then
This short, artistic video (0:37) compares an old photograph of the famous windmill in Yemin Moshe in 1955 with a
Windmill of Yemin Moshe: A Poem by Yehuda Amichai
The post presents “Windmill of Yemin Moshe,” a poem written by iconic Israeli poet, Yehuda Amichai, about the famous windmill
S.Y. Agnon on the Windmill
This post presents a short quote about the windmill built by Sir Moses Montefiore outside of the walls of the
Upcoming Events & Attractions in Jerusalem
This post provides four different resources to find upcoming cultural events and attractions in Jerusalem including festivals, concerts, lectures, comedy
How to Stay Fit in Jerusalem
This post offers links to all of the fitness centers you need to stay active and fit during your time
Public Transportation in Jerusalem
This post provides links to websites that can help you get around Jerusalem using public transportation. This article explains how to
Jerusalem Maps: Attractions & Public Transportation Routes
This post provides useful maps for visitors to Jerusalem, including those that highlight tourist attractions and bus routes. This link provides a
Where to Eat Shabbat Meals in Jerusalem
This post offers information about how you can get set up for Shabbat meals in Jerusalem. Please note that some
Top 18 Things to Do in Jerusalem for Free
This article from ISRAEL21c presents a roundup of the best free attractions that Jerusalem has to offer, including holy sites and
Jerusalem Walking Tours
This comprehensive article from ISRAEL21c presents 11 walking tours that explore different aspects of Jerusalem, including the holy sites of the
Top 10 Tourism Apps for Exploring Israel
This useful article from ISRAEL21c offers ten virtual tourism apps that will help you get the most of your trip
Hanukkah in the Old City of Jerusalem
This short video (01:55) captures the magical festive atmosphere of Hanukkah in the Old City of Jerusalem, including tables of sufganiyot,
Prayers Ascend to Heaven at the Western Wall
Through beautiful imagery and animation, this video conveys the power of prayer, depicting the traditional Jewish belief that prayers of
The Western Wall: A Poem
This poem by Anthony Shacknofsky conveys the significance of the Western Wall through a poetic summary of the history of this
Tzelofhad’s Daughters: A Feminist Poem About the Western Wall
This thought provoking poem by progressive Jewish feminist, Abby Caplin, draws a parallel between the biblical Daughters of Tzelofhad and
Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: “The Temple Mount is in Our Hands”
This short video from the Israel Defense Forces presents actual footage from the historic moment when Israeli soldiers overcame Arab
A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem
This post offers the English translation of a selection of poems about Jerusalem, written by the iconic poet, Yehuda Amichai,
Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967
An excerpt from a longer article about the liberation of the Western Wall in the Six Day War in 1967
Live Stream of the Western Wall
This link opens up the Western Wall camera from, where people from all over the world can see a
Activity Booklet for Children Visiting the Western Wall
This small booklet contains engaging games, activities, coloring pages, introductory information and fun assignments designed for children visiting the Western
Celebrities Visit the Western Wall
This simple video is a slideshow of photographs of famous people visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem, including political leaders
Australian Students Visit the Western Wall for the First Time
This moving video captures the moment that 29 Jewish high school students from Australia visit the Western Wall for the
Haim Hefer: The Paratroopers Are Crying
In this moving poem, Israeli songwriter, poet and writer, Haim Hefer, poetically describes the historic moment of the liberation of the
Young Adults Celebrate Their Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Israel
This 3 minute long video from Taglit-Birthright Israel shares the experiences of young adult participants who held their Bar/Bat Mitzvah in
S.Y. Agnon’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
This post presents the audio recording (Hebrew) and translated text of a short excerpt from Israeli author Shai (Shmuel Yosef)
Beit Tefilah Israeli’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Havdalah: A Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, a Hebrew and
The Masorti Movement’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Twilight: Moving from Memorial to Independence, a ceremony written by the Masorti Foundation
BBC Archives: Tensions in Jerusalem Following the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (03:20) presents the tensions in Jerusalem immediately following the Six Day War. The video
President Reuven Rivlin’s Speech at Opening of US Embassy in Jerusalem
This video (06:52) presents Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin’s speech at the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem in 2018. He
PM Ariel Sharon’s Address at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
This post presents the text of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s speech at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
An Interview with the Director of “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
Filmed at Ammunition Hill, this video (06:47) presents an interview with Erin Zimmerman, the director of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s
Psalm 125:2 – The Mountains Surrounding Jerusalem
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the second verse of Psalm 125, in which God’s protection for
The Hasmonean Water Tunnel
Created by Israel Inside Out, this low quality video (01:47) introduces the 2000 year old Hasmonean aqueduct located near the Armon
Ancient Maps of Jerusalem
Created by the the Jerusalem Municipality, this article presents images and explanations of a collection of ancient maps of Jerusalem,
Liberating the Old City of Jerusalem: A Personal Story
Created by the Israel Defense Forces, this moving video (01:04) recalls the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and
Quotes from the Sages About Jerusalem
This post presents a collection of quotes from rabbinic liturgy describing the significance of Jerusalem in Jewish tradition. Quotes from
20 Famous Quotes About Jerusalem
This post presents a selection of famous quotes about the power and role of Jerusalem from a wide range of
Educational Resources for Exploring the Western Wall Controversies
This post provides three different resources designed to help guide discussions and programming concerning some of the religious and political
Reenactment of the Biblical Shavuot First-Fruits & Twin Loaves Offerings
This 4-minute long video presents a reenactment of the first-fruit and twin loaves offerings, as they were performed in the ancient Temple