In the Idan Hanegev Industrial Park near Rahat, the most populated Bedouin community in Israel, KKL-JNF and its partners have built a vocational training centre to empower the Negev’s Bedouin community. The Switch Centre – The Triguboff Holistic Centre for Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship is a product of the collaboration of members of the Idan Hanegev Joint Vocational Park under the auspices of Moshe Paul, the Rahat Municipality, the Bnei Shimon Regional Council, JNF Australia (the centre is named for Australian philanthropist Harry Triguboff), Moona—a Space for Change, and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JOINT).
The name “SWITCH” characterize the centre’s mission — to “switch” the opportunities and living standards of Bedouins in the Negev for the better. This article from Jewish News Syndicate covers a workshop for empowering Bedouin women, especially mothers, by offering them training for employment and entrepreneurship. Switch offers additional programs geared towards advancing employment prospects for the Bedouin population in general in partnership with employers and other organizations.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash