The South: The Judean Desert & The Negev
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I LOVE BASH אל מעוז הסטודנטים- סיור טעימות
!רחוב רינגלבלום, מעוז הסטודנטים בבאר שבע, צבעוני ותוסס בכל שעות היום ועד השעות הקטנות של הלילה. בסיור נצא להכיר את
I LOVE BASH סיור טעימות בשוק העירוני – החברה הישראלית
.השוק בבאר שבע הוא אחד השווקים האותנטיים היחידים שנותרו בישראל והוא מגלם בתוכו את סיפורה של החברה הישראלית בכלל ושל
I LOVE BASH סיור טעימות בעיר העתיקה – על הקשר בין קולינריה להתחדשות
.העיר העתיקה של באר שבע ידועה מאז ומתמיד כמעוז קולינרי משובח עם עסקי מזון משפחתיים, ותיקים ומוצלחים הפועלים מזה.. עשורים.
I LOVE BASH סיור תרבות והתחדשות בעיר העתיקה – יזמות, תרבות, אמנות
סיור תרבות והתחדשות בעיר העתיקה – יזמות, תרבות, אמנות .באר שבע, העיר ההיסטורית, עירו של אברהם אבינו, העיר בה התרחש
Informative Articles & Videos
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SWITCH: Employment Opportunities for Bedouins in the Negev
In the Idan Hanegev Industrial Park near Rahat, the most populated Bedouin community in Israel, KKL-JNF and its partners have
Brothers in War- The Anzacs Who Fought for The Jewish People
This video [04:01], from the YouTube channel anzacconnection, is the first in a series of documentary films covering the untold story
The Ashalim Solar Energy Plant in the Negev
This video clip [01:28] from the YouTube Channel NoCamels, which reports on cutting edge Israeli innovations, shows Israel’s “Solar Valley” a
פסטיבל הסרטים הבנילאומי בצוקים- חלוציות מודרנית בערבה שחולמת בגדול! The International Film Festival in Tzukim –Modern Pioneers Dream Big
Tzukim was established in the Arava in 1996, as a pioneering yishuv. It wasn’t just any agricultural community, as its
The “Derech HaShalom” Hiking Trail in the Arava
This slideshow [00:48] from the Arava Tichona Regional Council provides a peek of the beautiful hiking trail, “Derech HaShalom,” opened in
Renewing the Days of Old in the Arava
This video [02:30], published by the YouTube channel “Israel,” illustrates how an entire history can be found inside of one
The Pioneering Movement in the Arava is Alive and Kicking
This video, [03:18] from the KKL-JNF’s YouTube channel, offers a glimpse into the “Vidor Center: A Window for Arava Agriculture,”
Is the Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal project still happening?
This Jordan Times article by Hussam Hussein investigates the relevance of the Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal project. The canal draws water from
תיירות אקולוגית בישראל- יש דבר כזה? Ecological Tourism in Israel– Is There Such a Thing?
הסרטון המצורף, מספק לנו הצצה למרכז לתיירות אקולוגית בלוטן. תיירות אקו- מה? תיירות אקולוגית! כיום כבר ידוע לכולם כי להיות
Agriculture Without Boundaries in the Arava
This video [02:36] shows the Arava International Center for Agricultural Training (AICAT), which brings together more than 1,200 students from 18
Ein Tzukim: The Secret of the Dead Sea
This clip (7:50) from popular YouTube channel Sergio & Rhoda in Israel introduces a side of the Dead Sea that is unfamiliar
David Ben-Gurion’s ‘One Million Plan’
This clip of David Ben-Gurion (6:23) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem explores the risk and opportunities of Ben-Gurion’s famed One
Can the Disappearing Dead Sea Come Back to Life?
This clip (6:18) from i24NEWS introduces the virtues of the Dead Sea — its uniqueness as the lowest point on Earth, its
The Demise of the Dead Sea and its Effects on the Surrounding Residents
This article, authored by Elisa Oddone and published on the PBS science news site, Nova, discusses the environmental problems connected to
The Nabateans: The Ancient Merchants
Erick Stakelbeck of The Watchman brings us this informative clip (4:48) explaining that in the times of Jesus, there existed an
The Blaustein-Ben-Gurion Agreement
This is what’s known as the Blaustein-Ben-Gurion Agreement — a most significant document in the development of Israel-Diaspora relations. Between
David Ben-Gurion — The ‘Old Pioneer’
This clip (1:16), taken from the British Pathé, shows one of our nation’s fathers shoulder to shoulder with young boys in
Ben-Gurion’s Life in the Negev
Taken from the YouTube channel ‘Look’, this video (7:07) introduces a humble side of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion.
Dead Sea Drying Up, but it’s Not the First Time
The Dead Sea is drying up, but drilling shows that this might not be the first time. An article from
Pushing Back the Desert in Be’er Sheva
In this clip (5:54), learn how KKL-JNF is literally turning back time and pushing back the deserts of the Be’er
Sderot Indoor Recreation Center
Produced by JNF, this video (02:22) introduces the Secure Indoor Recreation Center, a uniquely designed protected indoor playground built in
Living with Terror Rockets, Tunnels, Balloons & Kites in Kibbutz Nir Am
This heartbreaking video (03:01) reveals the reality of living under the constant threat of terror attacks in Kibbutz Nir Am,
Kibbutz Nir Am: Life Under Threat
In this i24NEWS segment (02:23), Dana Bar-On from Kibbutz Nir Am describes how residents attempt to go on living a
Moshe Smilansky: A Zionist Pioneer & Author
From the website of the Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, this short article provides basic biographical information about
A Brief History of Kibbutz Nir Am
This short article from the Jewish Virtual Library provides historical background on Kibbutz Nir Am, an agricultural community located close
Supporting Israel’s Innovative Water Solutions
Produced by the JNF, this video (05:54) looks at the organization’s contributions to innovative solutions to Israel’s water crisis, including the
KKL-JNF’s Acquisition of Land in the Negev Desert (1941-1950)
From the website of KKL-JNF, this article details the organization’s activities from 1941-1950, focusing on the the establishment and support
KKL-JNF: Making the Desert Bloom
Produced by KKL-JNF, this video (04:40) shows how JNF’s Australia’s contributions to innovative water solutions in the Negev Desert have
Masada: Breathtaking Views & A Dramatic Tale
This video (02:03) shows excellent aerial footage of the ancient mountaintop fortress of Masada, along with an brief onscreen retelling of
How Do We Tell the Story of Masada? A Window into Modern Israel
This fascinating, animated video (04:04) briefly describes the history of Masada, with an emphasis on the role the alleged mass suicide
The Siege of Masada: What Really Happened?
Produced by Andrew Henry, a Ph.D student in Religious Studies and creator of the Religion for Breakfast YouTube channel, this informative video
Life for Israelis Near the Gaza Border
Life for Israelis near the Gaza border is no picnic to say the least, as this clip (4:31) from The
Sderot Residents Live in Fear of Gaza Rockets
Get a glimpse into what life is like for residents of the Gaza envelope in this clip (3:20) from VOA
Heroes of Operation Protective Edge
Meet some of the heroes behind 2014’s Operation Protective Edge in this clip (5:35) from the Friends of the IDF.
An IDF Soldier’s Account from Gaza
In this clip from the IDF (4:21), Lieutenant Adam Landau of the 188th Armored Brigade describes his firsthand experiences during
Be’er Sheva River Park: A Jewel in Israel’s Desert
In Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (01:00) shows how JNF-KKL’s Beersheva River Park restoration project has transformed a garbage
The Bedouins of the Negev: A Population Transforming
This very short article presents a snapshot of Israel’s Bedouin population, including a summary of the complex cultural changes underway
10 Reasons Why Hiking in the Negev Should Be on Your Bucket List
From the website of The Green Backpackers desert hostel and hikers base camp in Mitzpe Ramon, this blog post points
Top 10 Things To Do In The Negev Desert
This article from Culture Trip reveals some of the best attractions to visit in the Negev Desert, including archaeological sites,
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Prayer of the Mothers by Yael Deckelbaum and Women Wage Peace
In Prayer of the Mothers (5:20), Israeli artist Yael Deckelbaum pairs with Jewish and Palestinian women of the Women Wage
Children of Sderot by Tim Davis and Sha-Ron
Children of Sderot (4:13) is a heartfelt outpouring of sympathy for the children of Israel’s border communities who grow up
Code Red Song – Helping Children Deal with Terror
In this clip (1:14), watch the amazing way children of Sderot respond to a Code Red siren in their school.
What else?
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1956- Rare Interviews with Ben-Gurion, Nasser, and King Hussein from 1956
This rare video from 1956 (6:57) taken from the YouTube channel SetFree68 was initially prepared as a television broadcast. Interviews with Israeli
Yanchik Hill Memorial & Lookout
This post presents two photographs of the Yanchik Hill memorial and lookout point located outside of Kibbutz Nir Am. The
The Assaf Siboni Observatory
Produced by a tourist to the site, this video (01:23) presents the view from the Assaf Siboni lookout point, located
A Day in Be’er Sheva River Park
This video (01:11) presents some of the highlights of the restored Be’ersheva River Park, from a children’s park to historical