From the website of the Pina Balev tourist suites in Rosh Pina, this article summarizes the history and geography of the “mother of the Galilee settlements,” located on the slopes of Mount Canaan beside the Rosh Pina stream. It tells the story of Jewish refugees from Syria settling in the Arab village of Jauneh following the Damascus Blood Libel of 1840, the purchase of the land by Jewish families from Safed in 1875, the establishment of the agricultural settlement by Romanian religious immigrants during the First Aliyah, and the patronage of Baron Edmond de Rothschild of Paris that ultimately saved the struggling settlement. Over the years, the moshav finally gained economic independence, and ultimately became a capital of rural tourism in the Galilee.
(Photo credit: Rosh Pina, 1938, from the family of Shlomo Kramer, from the Pikiwiki photo archives)