Arab-Israeli Wars
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סא”ל (מיל’) אייל דרור
פרטי התקשרות +972 506 246 423 Facebook- LTC Ret. Eyal Dror אודות . נשוי+3 ,תושב שדה נחמיה .שירתתי בצה”ל במשך
About: Techer for GAP YEAR students in Bet Shemesh, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv Experienced public speaker for young adults, adults, seniors
Calev Ben-Dor
A former analyst in Foreign Ministry, Calev Ben-Dor has worked in the Israeli policy and national security world for over
Informative Articles & Videos
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Why Did Israel Build a Security Barrier?
Created by HonestReporting, this informative, animated video (01:23) introduces the security barrier that Israel began building along the Green Line
Memory, Trauma and The Second Intifada
This i24NEWS segment (03:41) explores the long-term psychological effects of terror on Israeli society through the story of two friends
Looking Back on the Second Intifada: Causes, Major Events & Consequences
Written in 2010, looking back a decade after the outbreak of the Second Intifada, this lengthy, thorough article from Haaertz
The Passover Bombing in Netanya
An excerpt from the 2002 Discovery Channel documentary, “Behind the Hatred: Mortal Enemies,” this low quality video (03:32) recalls the
Major Suicide Bombing Attacks During the Second Intifada
This MSNBC news broadcast (08:18) highlights some of the major terrorist attacks carried out by Palestinian terrorists against Israeli citizens
The Case of Muhammad al-Durrah
This video presents one perspective on the Muhammad al-Durrah incident, where a 12-year old Palestinian boy was allegedly killed by
Jenin: Massacring Truth
This is an excerpt (09:50) from a documentary produced by Martin Himel, which tells the story of Israeli soldiers who
The Ramallah Lynching of Two IDF Soldiers & Prisoner Releases
In the context of the 2017 release of one of the Palestinian terrorists convicted in the lynch of two IDF
Statement from Palestinian Leadership Upon the Outbreak of the Second Intifada
This post presents the statement from the Palestinian leadership from September 30, 2000, the day after Ariel Sharon’s controversial visit
The Causes & Early Stages of the Second Intifada
Written by Ziv Hellman, a founding member of Peace Watch, the watchdog group reporting on the implementation of the Oslo
Background & Causes of the Second Intifada
Written by Jeremy Pressman, Director of Middle East Studies at the University of Connecticut, this lengthy article from The Journal of
The Palestinian Authority’s Responsibility for the Outbreak of the Second Intifada
Written by Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi, a senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center
The Territories After the Six-Day War: 1967-1981
From My Jewish Learning, this informative article provides an overview of Israel’s relationship and policy toward territories conquered in the Six Day
West Bank Settlements: Q&A
From My Jewish Learning, this balanced article provides an overview of the controversial Israeli settlements in the West Bank, conquered by Israel during the
Six Transformative Days: A Primer on the Last 50 Years
This comprehensive article looks back on how the Six Day War transformed Israel – for better or for worse. Recalling
Causes & Consequences of the Six Day War
Compiled by the Britain Israel Communications and Research Center in 2017, this 10 page PDF document outlines the causes and consequences
CAMERA: The Six Day War Website
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this website is
Myths & Facts: The Six Day War
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this article explores myths and
Gush Emunim: The Ideology & History of the Settlement Movement
Written by Conservative rabbi, educator and Israeli tour guide, Ed Snitkoff, this article provides a thorough introduction to the Gush Emunim
A Reporter Reflects 50 Years Later on the Effects of the War: Now & Then
In this PBS NewsHour video segment (06:09), former correspondent Terence Smith reflects on his coverage of the Six Day War fifty
IDF: The Military Story of the Six Day War
Produced by the Israel Defense Forces in Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (09:04) describes Israel’s military victory against four enemy
The Geopolitical Context for the Six Day War
With a focus on geopolitical context, this informative, neutral, animated video (04:04) provides an excellent historical overview of the regional and
BBC Archives: Tensions in Jerusalem Following the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (03:20) presents the tensions in Jerusalem immediately following the Six Day War. The video
BBC Archives: The Immediate Aftermath of the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (04:52) presents the immediate aftermath of the Six Day War, reported live from
Six Days of Miracles: The Religious Significance of the Six Day War
Created by the World Mizrahi religious Zionist organization, this uplifting video (10:09) interprets Israel’s surprising and total victory in the Six
How the Six Day War Changed the Map of the Middle East
Produced by History, an American television network, this video (04:21) provides a brief introduction to the Six Day War, including basic
Intifada vs. Jihad: The Religious Roots of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
In this short video (03:58), Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli scholar of Arabic culture, suggests that the root of the Israeli-Palestinian
The Six Day War Project #1-4: Causes of the War
This post presents the first four videos in the Six Day War Project, a mini-series of twelve 2-5 minute long
The Six Day War Project #5-10: Each Day of the War
This post presents videos 5-10 in the Six Day War Project, a mini-series of twelve 2-5 minute long videos about the
The Six Day War Project #11-12: The Aftermath of the War & the Peace Process
This post presents the last two videos in the Six Day War Project, a mini-series of twelve short videos about the
IDF Commander of West Bank Recalls the First Intifada
Produced by Al Jazeera, a state-funded Qatari news network, this video (02:18) includes an interview with the IDF Commander of the West Bank
Myths & Facts: The First Intifada
Written by Mitchell Bard, Executive Director of the American–Israeli Cooperative Enterprise and Director of the Jewish Virtual Library, this pro-Israel
Different Academic Perspectives on the First Intifada
From, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that promotes critical thinking and informed citizenship by presenting controversial issues in a straightforward format,
The First Intifada: The Content and Consequences of the 1987 Palestinian Uprising
An excerpt from Howard Sachar’s “A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Times, this thorough article
Hamas & Fatah: 25 Venomous Years
Produced by Euronews, this video (02:27) provides a basic introduction to Hamas, including the origins, strategy, ideology and leadership of
The First Intifada: Anti-Israel Lies & Intra-Palestinian Violence
From Jewish Virtual Library, a project of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE), this pro-Israel article presents the catalysts and nature of the First
The Story of an IDF Soldier & A Palestinian Protester During the First Intifada
Produced by Martin Fletcher, an author and former NBC News’ Middle East correspondent, this video (05:27) follows the story of
The First Intifada: Historical Context, Causes & Outcomes
Produced by OVO, an online video encyclopedia, this link opens up a relatively balanced video presenting an overview of the First Intifada, including
An IDF Soldier During The First Intifada: “It Changed Me Forever”
In this personal article, Ori Weisberg recalls his experiences as a Labor Zionist lone soldier during the First Intifada, emphasizing
How the First Intifada Transformed the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Written by Professor Avraham Sela for Haaretz, Israel’s left-leaning newspaper, this thorough article analyzes how the First Intifada influenced the
Yitzhak Rabin’s “Iron Fist” Policy Splits Israelis
Published in the Chicago Tribune during the First Intifada, this article presents the mixed Israeli response to then-Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s
The First Intifada: Causes, Evolution & Consequences
Produced to mark 30 years since the beginning of the First Intifada by Al Jazeera, a state-funded Qatari news network, this
King Abdullah I of Jordan: As the Arabs See the Jews (1947)
This link provides the full text of an article written by King Abdullah I of Jordan in The American Magazine
A Search for Solid Ground: The First Intifada Through Israeli Eyes
Filmed in 1989, during the First Intifada, this video clip (11:03) is an excerpt from the PBS documentary, “A Search for Solid
What Were the Intifadas?
Created by NowThis News, a liberal American media company, this informative video (05:11) presents an overview of the First and Second Palestinian Intifadas,
Statement by the Arab League upon the Declaration of the State of Israel (May 15, 1948)
This post presents the text of the cablegram sent from the Secretary General of the Arab League to the Secretary
The 35 Heroes of Gush Etzion (Video & Teachers’ Guide)
This post provides excellent educational resources about the 35 soldiers who were killed during the War of Independence trying to
Israel’s War of Independence: Background, Major Battles & Repercussions
This thorough article by Matt Plen,Chief Executive of Masorti Judaism in the UK, provides a relatively balanced overview of the historical background,
Clash of Nationalisms: Arabs in Zionist Thought
From My Jewish Learning, this article by Scott Copeland, head of education for Onward Israel, explores the conflict between Jewish and Arab nationalist
The 1948 War Through Arab Eyes
Written by Salman Masalha, a Druze Israeli poet and writer, this article reveals the rhetoric published in Arab newspapers prior to
A Detailed Timeline of the War of Independence
From the Zionism-Israel Center advocacy website, this link opens up a thorough chronology of events from November 1947 – September
Why the Arabs were Defeated in 1948
Published in Al Jazeera, a state-funded Qatari news network, this article explores the different explanations offered by historians for the Arab
The Truth About the Refugees: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Featuring Danny Ayalon, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Israeli Ambassador to the US, this animated video (05:30) suggests that the Palestinian refugee crisis
Who Are the Palestinian Refugees?
Produced by the BBC, this news segment (06:14) explores the Palestinian refugee crisis, including the creation of Palestinian refugees in
The Jewish Underground in 1947-1948: Haganah, Irgun, Stern
In this video (04:52), filmed at a pro-Israel conference in 2009, Israeli historian Benny Morris explains the three underground Jewish
Israel’s Legal Founding & the War of Independence
Created by PragerU, a Conservative American educational non-profit organization, this video (05:23) shows how the founding of the State of Israel, often accused
Maps: 1947-1967
From the website of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this post presents three useful maps in understanding the development
Comparing Jewish & Palestinian Refugees
Created by PragerU, a Conservative American educational non-profit organization, this video (04:22) compares the well-known narrative of Palestinian refugees from the Israeli-Arab War
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 & Nakba Explained
Created by TRT World, a Turkish international news channel, this video (05:29) explains the causes and implications of the Arab-Israeli War of 1948,
Battles on the Road to Jerusalem During the War of Independence
Produced by i24News to mark 70 years since the establishment of the State of Israel, this video (05:26) looks back on some
From the Veterans: Different Perspectives on the War of Independence and Israel Today
Produced by Haaretz, a liberal Israeli news source, this video (04:16) presents interviews with two Israelis who fought in the War
History in Five: The War of Independence
From the History in Five YouTube Channel, this educational video (05:11) presents an overview of Israel’s War of Independence, including
The 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs – 1948 War + Background
A clip from the 1999 PBS documentary “The 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs,” this video (08:21) presents a
Israeli & Jordanian Veterans Meet On Ammunition Hill 50 Years Later
This article from the Times of Israel describes a unique encounter between Israeli and Jordanian veterans of the Six Day
PM Ariel Sharon’s Address at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
This post presents the text of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s speech at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
The Battles of the Paratroopers in the Six Day War
From the official website of Ammunition Hill, this link provides detailed information about the role of the Paratrooper Brigade during
Soldiers Describe the Battle for Ammunition Hill & Jerusalem: 50 Years Later
Written by journalist Paul Auster to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, this article from the Jerusalem
Inspired by 1967: A Panel Discussion with Yossi Klein Halevi, Michael Oren & Nir Barkat
Held in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, this video (17:30) presents a panel discussion about
The Significance of Ammunition Hill
This home video (02:50) takes viewers on a brief tour of the bunkers and trenches of Ammunition Hill, emphasizing the heroism
IDF Veteran Yaki Hetz Returns to Ammunition Hill: 50 Years Later
In this video (04:19), produced by i24News to mark 50 years since the Six Day War, Yaakov “Yaki” Hetz, a decorated IDF veteran
Ammunition Hill Memorial Site: Telling the Story
Produced by the Jewish National Fund, this video (02:09) describes the Memorial Site of Ammunition Hill as a symbol of Jewish and Israeli
The Battle for Ammunition Hill: An Interview with Abraham Rabinovitch
In this video (05:12), Abraham Rabinovich, author of “”The Battle for Jerusalem,” describes the battle for Ammunition Hill, including the strategic
The Strategic Importance of the Battle for Ammunition Hill
This video (07:40) recalls the bloody battle of Ammunition Hill, explaining why this strategic site needed to be conquered in
The Battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War: Survival of a Nation
Produced by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, this moving video (08:29) tells the story of Israel’s 1967 battles for Jerusalem and
Interviews with Soldiers from Ammunition Hill: 40 Years Later
In this video (04:02), three IDF veterans recall the bloody battle of Ammunition Hill during the Six Day War. With honesty,
The Conquest of Armon Hanatziv in 1967
From the Ammunition Hill Memorial Site website, this lengthy article provides a detailed account of the military conquest of Armon
The Modern History of Armon Hanatziv
This short video (0:52) provides a brief historical timeline of the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, from its founding in 1928, through
The History of the Old City of Jerusalem
From HaAtika, the official website of the Old City of Jerusalem, this post presents a concise history of the Old
Liberating the Old City of Jerusalem: A Personal Story
Created by the Israel Defense Forces, this moving video (01:04) recalls the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and
Zionism in Animation: The Six Day War
Part of The Jewish Story In Animation, a Zionist educational initiative, this animated video (02:42) tells the story of the Six Day War
Zionism in Animation: 1967 – Jordan’s Incredible Mistake
Part of The Jewish Story In Animation, a Zionist educational initiative, this animated video (02:12) tells the complex story of the beginning of
Zionism in Animation: How the State Of Israel was Born
Part of The Jewish Story In Animation, a Zionist educational initiative, this animated video (03:05) tells the story of the
Are Israeli Settlements the Barrier to Peace?
Created by PragerU, a Conservative American educational non-profit organization, this video (04:32) challenges the commonly held view that Israel’s policy of building civilian
Rabbi Sacks on Jerusalem: The 50th Anniversary of Reunification
In this moving video (7:15), Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the previous Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, tells the moving story of
The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel (Text & Video)
This post provides resources about the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, including a short video with information and
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Prayer for the Peace of Israel During Wartime
This prayer for the peace of Israel during wartime was written by the late Rabbi Ron Aigen for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call
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Sarit Hadad: Hear O’ Israel / When the Heart Cries
This moving song was written by Yossi Gispan in the wake of the brutal lynching of two Israeli soldiers in
Subliminal & The Shadow: Hope
Released in 2002, during the Second Intifada, this optimistic song expresses both a frustration with the senseless loss of life, as
Subliminal: Biladi (My Country)
Released in 2002, during the Second Intifada, this song by Israeli rapper Ya’akov “Kobi” Shimoni (known by his stage name
Al Quds Tunadeena: Oh Jerusalem, Our Home
Released during the Second Intifada, this religious and nationalistic song by Ahmed Bukhatir, a Muslim singer, businessman and politician in
Haim Hefer / Arik Lavi: Nasser is Waiting for Rabin
Written in the “waiting period” before the Six Day War, this upbeat song was written by Haim Hefer and performed
Ron Eliran: Sharm El Sheikh
Written by Ron Eliran during the Six Day War, this song commemorates Israel’s capture of Sharm El Sheikh, a city
Naomi Shemer / Nachal Band: Tomorrow
Written by Naomi Shemer for the Nachal Military Band, this optimistic song which dreams of a time of peace and prosperity
The Kingdom of the Hermon
Written by Yovav Katz, composed by Effi Netzer, and performed by the Military Band of the IDF in 1968, “Kingdom
Colonel Bagshot: Six Day War
From the 1971 album, “Oh, What a Lovely War,” many believe that this depresssing anti-war song entitled “Six Day War”
Chava Alberstein: My Daughter, Are you Cyring or Laughing?
Written after the Six Day War, this iconic Israeli song describes a young girl from Kibbutz Gadot not knowing how
Ehud Banai & the Refugees: Stir the Cement
Released by Ehud Banai and The Refugees during the First Intifada, this song is written from the perspective of a
Shlomo Artzi: New Land
Released during the First Intifada, this song is written as a continuous conversation between fathers and sons over the course
Where Are The Millions? A Lebanese Song from the First Intifada
Written and performed by Lebanese resistance singer, Julia Burtrus, this song, which became popular during the First Intifada, encourages both the
I Call Upon You: A Palestinian Song From the First Intifada
Originally written as a poem in 1966 by the Palestinian poet, Tawfeeq Zayyad, this song became popular leading up the First Intifada.
Nurit Galron: After We’re Gone, Let the Flood Come
Released by Israeli singer Nurit Galron during the First Intifada, this controversial song criticised the Israeli public (and those living in
Si Himan: Shooting & Crying
Written by Si Himan during the First Intifada, this haunting song explores the effects of war and violence on Israeli society
Chava Alberstein: Had Gadya
Written by Chava Alberstein during the First Intifada, Had Gadya is based on an Aramaic song from the Passover Haggadah.
The Song of the Palmach
This song (until 01:52) was the anthem of the Palmach, the elite fighting force of the Haganah, the underground army
IDF Central Command Variety Ensemble: Guard of the Walls
Written in 1977, this classic Israeli folk song by the Central Command Variety Ensemble of the Israel Defense Forces (Pikud Hamercaz)
Yaffa Yarkoni: Bab el Wad
Written by Haim Gouri, composed by Shmuel Farshko and performed by Yaffa Yarkoni, this moving song commemorates the battles of
The Nachal Band: Song of Friendship
Written by Haim Gouri at the end of the War of Independence and most famously sung by The Nachal Band,
Yaffa Yarkoni: In the Plains of the Negev
Originally written in Russian by P. Mamaychuk in 1943 with music by L. Shokhin, this song was translated to a Hebrew
Meir Ariel: Jerusalem of Iron
“Jerusalem of Iron” was written by Israeli singer-songwriter Meir Ariel following the Six Day War to the melody of Naomi
Sabaton: Counterstrike – A Heavy Metal Song About the Six Day War
This video presents a song about the Six Day War by Sabaton, a Swedish heavy metal band who’s songs recount
Ammunition Hill Song
Written by Yair Rosenblum and Yoram Taharlev, this famous song (in Hebrew with English subtitles) tells the story of the bloody
HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)
Released in 2004, amidst the Second Intifada, this hip-hop song is a collection of Israeli bumper stickers representing the full spectrum of religious
One More Brother: A Song About the Conflict
This powerful song expresses the hopelessness of the endless cycle of violence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as a desire
Ein Li Eretz Acheret / I Have No Other Country: An Iconic Zionist Song
Written by Israeli singer-songwriter Corinne Allal in 1989, during the First Intifada, this moving song, performed here by Gali Atari,
A Hamas Song Encouraging Rocket Attacks Against Israel
Produced by the Hamas-operated Al-Aqsa TV channel during the 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict, this threatening music video celebrates and encourages rocket attacks
Muki: Songs of War & Peace
This post presents two songs about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by the Israeli singer and rapper, Muki. Written in 2002, in
A Palestinian Incitement Song Threatening Terror Attacks
This threatening animated music video warns “Zionists” of deadly terrorist attacks and kidnappings. Sung in Arabic with onscreen English subtitles, this
Naomi Shemer: Yerushalayim Shel Zahav / Jerusalem of Gold
This popular Israeli song written by Naomi Shemer describes the Jewish people’s age-old yearning for and ultimate return to Jerusalem. Released just
Yossi Gamzu: The Kotel (The Western Wall)
Written by Israeli lyricist Yossi Gamzu and performed by Israeli singer Ofra Haza, the song HaKotel conveys the significance of the Western
Koolulam: 12,000 Israelis Sing Naomi Shemer’s “Al Kol Ele”
This inspirational video presents 12,000 Israelis from all walks of life who gathered together to sing “Al Kol Ele” by
Gad Elbaz: The Prayer for the IDF
This video presents popular Israeli artist Gad Elbaz’s musical rendition of the prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, which
With What Shall I Bless Him?
Written by Rachel Shapira in memory of her classmate Eldad Krock, a young reservist killed in the in the Six
Identity Card: Mahmoud Darwish Poem & Song of the First Intifada
Originally written as a poem by iconic Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish in 1964, this song recalls the humiliation and frustration of Palestinians
Natan Alterman: Elifelet
Performed here by the IDF for Memorial Day, this song, written as a poem by Natan Alterman in 1959 and
Haim Hefer: Yes, It’s Possible
This song was originally written as a poem by iconic Israeli poet, Haim Hefer, who served in the Palmach during
Natan Alterman / Yehoram Gaon: The Silver Platter
This haunting song conveys the great sacrifices upon which the State of Israel was establishment. Soon after the release of
The IDF Sings Unetanneh Tokeh to a Melody Inspired by the Yom Kippur War
To the backdrop of footage from the Yom Kippur War, this moving video shows the IDF Chief Cantor Ltc. Shai Abramson
What else?
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Texts of Ariel Sharon & Mahmoud Abbas’ Ceasefire Declarations
This post provides links to the full texts of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’ declaration
Survivors of the Passover Terror Attack Reflect
Through interviews with survivors, this moving video (02:56) looks back on the suicide bombing at the Park Hotel in Netanya
Map: The Situation on the Eve of the Second Intifada (2000)
From the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this map shows which areas were under full Israeli control, which under full
Breakdown of Causalities During the Second Intifada
This chart presents the number of Israeli and Palestinian casualties from September 27, 2000 through January 1, 2005. Including a
A Timeline of the Second Intifada
From BBC News, this detailed timeline lists the major events of the Second Intifada, from Ariel Sharon’s controversial visit to
PA Minister: Intifada Planned Since Camp David
This short clip (0:45) from December 5, 2000 presents Imad Falugi, the Palestinian Authority’s Minister of Communications, revealing that the Second Intifada was
Ariel Sharon On Visiting the Temple Mount
This video clip (01:21) from September 29, 2000 features Ariel Sharon, then Israel’s opposition leader, explaining his controversial visit one day
Interviews with Nine People About the Six Day War
Written by Conal Urquhart for the British newspaper, The Guardian, this lengthy article presents nine different personal perspectives of the
A Timeline of the Six Day War
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this useful post presents a concise
The Story Behind the Six Day War’s Most Famous Photo
Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short interview (04:26) with photographer David Rubinger reveals the story behind the iconic picture of
Six Day War Maps
This post presents three important maps for understanding the impact of the Six Day War: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Arab Political Six Day War Cartoons
This post presents ten political cartoons published before and during the Six Day War. Contributing to fear in Israeli society
With What Shall I Bless Him?
Written by Rachel Shapira in memory of her classmate Eldad Krock, a young reservist killed in the in the Six
The Six Day War Scroll: The Story of Yom Yerushalayim and the Six Days of Deliverance
In this video (05:35), Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi introduces his book, “The Six Day War Scroll,” which tells the miraculous story of Israel’s
The Stone Throwers: A Syrian Computer Game from The First Intifada
This video (03:49) presents a computer game released in Syria about the First Intifada, in which the player is a Palestinian protester
Palestinian Posters from the First Intifada
This post presents eight Palestinian posters from the First Intifada from the Palestinian Liberation Movement Collection in Yale University’s library.
Footage of Typical Violence from The First Intifada
With no context or narration, this short video (01:15) presents footage of typical violence between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers during the
Intifada: An Israeli Computer Game from The First Intifada
This video (08:43) presents a computer game released in Israel during the First Intifada, in which the player is an Israeli
Identity Card: Mahmoud Darwish Poem & Song of the First Intifada
Originally written as a poem by iconic Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish in 1964, this song recalls the humiliation and frustration of Palestinians
Letters from Jerusalem: 1947-1948
This link provides a sample of letters that capture the spirit of the new country from the book “Letters from Jerusalem, 1947-1948”
Natan Alterman: Elifelet
Performed here by the IDF for Memorial Day, this song, written as a poem by Natan Alterman in 1959 and
Haim Hefer: Yes, It’s Possible
This song was originally written as a poem by iconic Israeli poet, Haim Hefer, who served in the Palmach during
Natan Alterman / Yehoram Gaon: The Silver Platter
This haunting song conveys the great sacrifices upon which the State of Israel was establishment. Soon after the release of
A Map of Each Day of the War of Independence
This short illustrative video (01:17) depicts the land lost and gained by each side on every day of the Arab-Israeli War
Trailer for “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
This video (1:31) is a trailer for the Christian Broadcasting Network’s documentary, “In Our Hands,” which tells the story of the
The IDF Sings Unetanneh Tokeh to a Melody Inspired by the Yom Kippur War
To the backdrop of footage from the Yom Kippur War, this moving video shows the IDF Chief Cantor Ltc. Shai Abramson
The Western Wall: A Poem
This poem by Anthony Shacknofsky conveys the significance of the Western Wall through a poetic summary of the history of this
Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: “The Temple Mount is in Our Hands”
This short video from the Israel Defense Forces presents actual footage from the historic moment when Israeli soldiers overcame Arab
A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem
This post offers the English translation of a selection of poems about Jerusalem, written by the iconic poet, Yehuda Amichai,
Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967
An excerpt from a longer article about the liberation of the Western Wall in the Six Day War in 1967
Haim Hefer: The Paratroopers Are Crying
In this moving poem, Israeli songwriter, poet and writer, Haim Hefer, poetically describes the historic moment of the liberation of the
An Israel-Focused High Holiday Lesson Plan
This thorough lesson plan aims to help students “taste” the ethnic diversity of the Jewish communities in Israel, experience the immense
Prayer for the Peace of Israel During Wartime
This prayer for the peace of Israel during wartime was written by the late Rabbi Ron Aigen for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call
CAMERA: The Six Day War Website
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this website is
BBC Archives: Tensions in Jerusalem Following the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (03:20) presents the tensions in Jerusalem immediately following the Six Day War. The video
BBC Archives: The Immediate Aftermath of the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (04:52) presents the immediate aftermath of the Six Day War, reported live from
IDF Commander of West Bank Recalls the First Intifada
Produced by Al Jazeera, a state-funded Qatari news network, this video (02:18) includes an interview with the IDF Commander of the West Bank
The Story of an IDF Soldier & A Palestinian Protester During the First Intifada
Produced by Martin Fletcher, an author and former NBC News’ Middle East correspondent, this video (05:27) follows the story of
An IDF Soldier During The First Intifada: “It Changed Me Forever”
In this personal article, Ori Weisberg recalls his experiences as a Labor Zionist lone soldier during the First Intifada, emphasizing
King Abdullah I of Jordan: As the Arabs See the Jews (1947)
This link provides the full text of an article written by King Abdullah I of Jordan in The American Magazine
Statement by the Arab League upon the Declaration of the State of Israel (May 15, 1948)
This post presents the text of the cablegram sent from the Secretary General of the Arab League to the Secretary
The 35 Heroes of Gush Etzion (Video & Teachers’ Guide)
This post provides excellent educational resources about the 35 soldiers who were killed during the War of Independence trying to
A Detailed Timeline of the War of Independence
From the Zionism-Israel Center advocacy website, this link opens up a thorough chronology of events from November 1947 – September
Maps: 1947-1967
From the website of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this post presents three useful maps in understanding the development
PM Ariel Sharon’s Address at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
This post presents the text of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s speech at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
Liberating the Old City of Jerusalem: A Personal Story
Created by the Israel Defense Forces, this moving video (01:04) recalls the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and
The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel (Text & Video)
This post provides resources about the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, including a short video with information and