Informative Articles & Videos
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The “Derech HaShalom” Hiking Trail in the Arava
This slideshow [00:48] from the Arava Tichona Regional Council provides a peek of the beautiful hiking trail, “Derech HaShalom,” opened in
פסטיבל הסרטים הבנילאומי בצוקים- חלוציות מודרנית בערבה שחולמת בגדול! The International Film Festival in Tzukim –Modern Pioneers Dream Big
Tzukim was established in the Arava in 1996, as a pioneering yishuv. It wasn’t just any agricultural community, as its
Renewing the Days of Old in the Arava
This video [02:30], published by the YouTube channel “Israel,” illustrates how an entire history can be found inside of one
The Pioneering Movement in the Arava is Alive and Kicking
This video, [03:18] from the KKL-JNF’s YouTube channel, offers a glimpse into the “Vidor Center: A Window for Arava Agriculture,”
תיירות אקולוגית בישראל- יש דבר כזה? Ecological Tourism in Israel– Is There Such a Thing?
הסרטון המצורף, מספק לנו הצצה למרכז לתיירות אקולוגית בלוטן. תיירות אקו- מה? תיירות אקולוגית! כיום כבר ידוע לכולם כי להיות
Agriculture Without Boundaries in the Arava
This video [02:36] shows the Arava International Center for Agricultural Training (AICAT), which brings together more than 1,200 students from 18
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