A Slideshow of the Tayelet

A Slideshow of the Tayelet

This low quality video (01:43) presents a slideshow of photographs from the Armon Hanatziv Promenade set to the song “Shut Up”

Tisha B’Av at the Tayelet

Tisha B’Av at the Tayelet

This low quality video (01:18) shows the Armon Hanatziv Promenade on Tisha B’av, where people gather together, overlooking the Old

An Animated 3D Reconstruction of the City of David and the Temple

An Animated 3D Reconstruction of the City of David and the Temple

A short clip from the 3D movie from the City of David tour, this video (01:22) shows an animated recreation of

The Old City, Now and Then: 1925 and 2012

The Old City, Now and Then: 1925 and 2012

This video (06:47) compares video footage from the holy sites of the Old City in 1925 and 2012, including Jaffa Gate, Damascus

Maps of Each of the Four Quarters of the Old City

Maps of Each of the Four Quarters of the Old City

From HaAtika, the official website of the Old City of Jerusalem, this post presents a clear map of the gates, streets and some

Musical Light Show in Zedekiah’s Cave

Musical Light Show in Zedekiah’s Cave

This video (01:02) presents a short clip from a fascinating musical light show in Zedekiah’s Cave (also called Solomon’s Quarries and

Voices of Jerusalem: Celebrating 50 Years Since the Reunification

Voices of Jerusalem: Celebrating 50 Years Since the Reunification

Produced by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat in celebration of the 50th anniversary since the reunification of the city during the Six

Assassin’s Creed Meets Parkour in the Old City

Assassin’s Creed Meets Parkour in the Old City

This entertaining video (03:39) features two talented daredevils flipping and jumping over the rooftops and alleyways of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Light Show on the Old City Walls: A Timeline of Jerusalem

Light Show on the Old City Walls: A Timeline of Jerusalem

This video (09:52) presents a beautiful light show on the walls of the Old City, created as part of the

The Sounds of the Old City of Jerusalem

The Sounds of the Old City of Jerusalem

Produced by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video shows clips from the world music festival in the Old City