Infographic: How Did Israel Become the Start-Up Nation?

Infographic: How Did Israel Become the Start-Up Nation?

Created by OneRagtime based on the book Start Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle, this post presents a useful

Why Is Israel Called the Start-Up Nation?

Why Is Israel Called the Start-Up Nation?

This short video (01:29) presents some of the statistics that have led to Israel’s global reputation as the Start-Up nation,

7 Life-Changing Israeli Inventions

7 Life-Changing Israeli Inventions

Produced by the official YouTube Channel of the State of Israel, this humorous video (02:12) highlights seven innovative Israeli inventions that

Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program: Working Toward Equality in the Start-Up Sector

Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program: Working Toward Equality in the Start-Up Sector

Created by Seeds Tech-Entrepreneurial Program, a start-up accelerator that trains aspiring entrepreneurs from Israel’s social and geographic periphery, this document summarizes

Diagram of the Temple Mount Expansions

Diagram of the Temple Mount Expansions

This post presents two diagrams depicting the size and layout of the Temple Mount during the First and Second Temple

Second Temple Archaeology

Second Temple Archaeology

This link opens up Bible History Online’s page about significant archaeological discoveries related to the Second Temple, including photographs and

PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Statement Regarding the Temple Mount

PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Statement Regarding the Temple Mount

Filmed in 2015, amid rising tensions and violence between Israelis and Palestinians regarding an alleged change to the security arrangements

Interviews with Nine People About the Six Day War

Interviews with Nine People About the Six Day War

Written by Conal Urquhart for the British newspaper, The Guardian, this lengthy article presents nine different personal perspectives of the

The Legend of Napoleon on Tisha B’Av

The Legend of Napoleon on Tisha B’Av

This post retells the legend of Napoleon Bonaparte’s impressions upon stumbling upon a group of Jews mourning the destruction of

A Timeline of the Six Day War

A Timeline of the Six Day War

Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this useful post presents a concise