This short introductory video briefly summarizes the historical and religious significance of the Western Wall, the holiest site in Jewish
In this informative video (4:50), Ze’ev Orenstein, the Director of International Affairs at the City of David, presents the historical and biblical
This article briefly lists some of the ancient biblical stories that allegedly took place on Mount Moriah (later known as
In this moving video (7:15), Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the previous Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, tells the moving story of
This short video outlines the four steps to teshuvah (repentance), according to Maimonides: regret our actions, stop doing them, confess
In this post from, Rabbi David Stadley (Orthodox) answers the question of what prayers should be said at the
בעמוד זה ניתן לקרוא ולהוריד את מערך הלימוד שנכתב בשומר החדש ועוסק במקורותיו המוסריים של חג השבועות. כפי שניתן לקרוא, התורה
This 35 minute long podcast provides a casual but in-depth exploration of Jewish wedding customs, including an overview of the process and some
This infographic from lays out the various traditions and rituals of the Jewish New Year in a concise and
This minute long animated video briefly introduces the Jewish custom of getting married under a “chuppah,” a wedding canopy. Explaining both technical
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