A Thorough Introduction to Sukkot
This thorough article by Tracey Rich from Judaism 101 provides a comprehensive introduction to the history, customs and spiritual significance of the biblical festival of
How & Why to Shake the Lulav & Etrog
In this clear, instructional video, Jesse M. Olitzky from the Conservative Congregation Beth El in New Jersey introduces each of the
The Kabbalistic Secret of Sukkot
In this short yet profound video (03:44), Rabbi Jonathan Taub reveals the Kabbalistic secret of Sukkot as a holiday where
Sukkot: A Celebration for Every Nation
This informative video (03:26) presents how the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, is celebrated in Jerusalem, with
Text & Exploration of the Al Chet Section of Vidui (Confessions)
This article by Rabbi Shraga Simmons explores each line of part of the “Al Chet” portion of the Vidui confession, recited during each
Sukkot 101: The LEGO Movie
This 4-minute long LEGO stop motion animation video presents an excellent introduction to the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, including the biblical origins
Sukkot in 60 Seconds
This minute long animated video presents a brief overview of the origins, significance and customs of Sukkot. Useful for people of all ages, with
Guide to the Ashamnu Portion of the Vidui (Confessions)
This link provides introductory information to the “Ashamnu” part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy, including the Hebrew, English and transliterated
What To Do the Day Before Yom Kippur
This introductory article from Chabad.org provides a brief overview of the mitzvot and rituals performed on the day before Yom Kippur, according to Orthodox
Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood
Published by the Diaspora Museum, this booklet, entitled Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood, explores the national nonphysical assets of the Jewish