Dairy Recipes for Shavuot

Dairy Recipes for Shavuot

In celebration of the Ashkenazi tradition of eating dairy foods on Shavuot, My Jewish Learning provides lots of different recipes, often

Cheesecake Recipes

Cheesecake Recipes

This article from the Israeli news site Haaretz provides seven different cheesecake recipes, including bake, no-bake, sweet, and savory options.

Shavuot Resource Booklet for Youth Leaders

Shavuot Resource Booklet for Youth Leaders

This link will open up a 28 page long PDF file full of resources designed to teach youth about Shavuot in

Celebrate Shavuot with Shalom Sesame

Celebrate Shavuot with Shalom Sesame

This video from Shalom Sesame tells the story of Moses receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. This link from ReformJudaism.org offers discussion topics,

Shavuot Activities for Elementary School Students

Shavuot Activities for Elementary School Students

This link provides resources designed to teach elementary school students about Shavuot in a fun and interactive way. Through word searches, crossword puzzles,

‘קשת בענן’- אמה של מלכות (תכנית מיוחדת לשבועות)

‘קשת בענן’- אמה של מלכות (תכנית מיוחדת לשבועות)

בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בפרק מיוחד לחג השבועות של התכנית הוותיקה ‘קשת בענן’, ששודרה בטלביזיה החינוכית. התכנית מוקדשת לסיפור התפתחותה

A Shavuot Website for Children

A Shavuot Website for Children

This link will take you to “a Shavuot wonderland for kids,” an entire website dedicated to teaching children about the holiday

The Jewish Trivia Quiz: Shavuot

The Jewish Trivia Quiz: Shavuot

This link will take you to a Jewish Trivia game website, where you can select “Shavuot” from the drop down

The Ten Commandments: A Shavuot Lesson Plan for High School Students

The Ten Commandments: A Shavuot Lesson Plan for High School Students

This link opens up a detailed hour long lesson plan where students explore a theory regarding the division of the

Zionism & American Patriotism: A Speech from Louis D. Brandeis

Zionism & American Patriotism: A Speech from Louis D. Brandeis

This post presents the text of Louis D. Brandeis‘ address at the Conference of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis