For Kids: Really, Really Sorry!

For Kids: Really, Really Sorry!

This entertaining animated video (9:08) teaches young children about the challenges and importance of saying sorry – and meaning it – as

Prayers Ascend to Heaven at the Western Wall

Prayers Ascend to Heaven at the Western Wall

Through beautiful imagery and animation, this video conveys the power of prayer, depicting the traditional Jewish belief that prayers of

The Western Wall: A Poem

The Western Wall: A Poem

This poem by Anthony Shacknofsky conveys the significance of the Western Wall through a poetic summary of the history of this

Tzelofhad’s Daughters: A Feminist Poem About the Western Wall

Tzelofhad’s Daughters: A Feminist Poem About the Western Wall

This thought provoking poem by progressive Jewish feminist, Abby Caplin, draws a parallel between the biblical Daughters of Tzelofhad and

Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: “The Temple Mount is in Our Hands”

Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: “The Temple Mount is in Our Hands”

This short video from the Israel Defense Forces presents actual footage from the historic moment when Israeli soldiers overcame Arab

Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967

Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967

An excerpt from a longer article about the liberation of the Western Wall in the Six Day War in 1967

A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem

A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem

This post offers the English translation of a selection of poems about Jerusalem, written by the iconic poet, Yehuda Amichai,

Activity Booklet for Children Visiting the Western Wall

Activity Booklet for Children Visiting the Western Wall

This small booklet contains engaging games, activities, coloring pages, introductory information and fun assignments designed for children visiting the Western

Live Stream of the Western Wall

Live Stream of the Western Wall

This link opens up the Western Wall camera from, where people from all over the world can see a

Celebrities Visit the Western Wall

Celebrities Visit the Western Wall

This simple video is a slideshow of photographs of famous people visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem, including political leaders