This post presents a song with guiding questions from the Masorti Movement in Israel that can be used to teach about
This link opens up a PDF file of Havdalah: A Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, a Hebrew and
This link opens up a PDF file of Twilight: Moving from Memorial to Independence, a ceremony written by the Masorti Foundation
Click this link to learn more about We Declare, a project inspired by the Israeli Declaration of Independence that unites
In this video, Rabbis Darby Leigh and Roni Handler demonstrate how to sing and sign the Reconstructionist version of the blessing before
In this 4 and a half minute long video, Rabbi Dr. Bernard Rosensweig celebrates Israel’s 63rd birthday by recalling the
This short video, created for Israel’s 69th Independence Day, celebrates Israel as a home for the Jewish people from ancient times until
In this personal article, Lauren Hamburger relays her first experience of being called up to the Torah for an aliyah,
This post presents an original prayer which was written by Rabbi Jill Hammer to be recited by an individual or
In this post from, Rabbi Yossi Lew explains why the term “aliyah” is used to describe both being called
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