Kol Ami B’Seder: The State of Israel

Kol Ami B’Seder: The State of Israel

This educational resource by Yaara Salamon-Michaeli from the Kol Ami Jewish Peoplehood Leadership Academy provides biblical, historical and philosophical sources exploring the significance

Kol Ami B’Seder: The Land of Israel

Kol Ami B’Seder: The Land of Israel

This educational resource by Yaara Salamon-Michaeli from the Kol Ami Jewish Peoplehood Leadership Academy provides sources exploring the significance of the land of

How the Nation-State Law Challenges Israel’s Democratic Character

How the Nation-State Law Challenges Israel’s Democratic Character

This ABC News segment (07:11) features Liam Getreu, the Executive Director of the New Israel Fund Australia, describing the opposition of

Sukkot Food Traditions & Recipe

Sukkot Food Traditions & Recipe

This article presents the types of food traditionally eaten on the festival of Sukkot according to Sephardic and Ahskenazi customs,

I in the Sukkah: A Poem

I in the Sukkah: A Poem

This poem by Rabbi Jill Hausman describes the author’s personal experience in the Sukkah. The Rabbi and Cantor of the progressive Actors’ Temple in New York

Inviting Your Authentic Self Into The Sukkah: A Poem

Inviting Your Authentic Self Into The Sukkah: A Poem

This poem describes the welcoming personal spiritual homecoming of the festival of Sukkot, following the intensity of the Days of Awe. Devon Spier, a writer, rabbinical

How to Build a Sukkah: A Poem

How to Build a Sukkah: A Poem

This poem by Eve Lyons presents the spiritual steps to building a sukkah, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability, renewal, openess, and

Exploring the Al Het Confessional Prayer Through Jewish Peoplehood

Exploring the Al Het Confessional Prayer Through Jewish Peoplehood

This post explores the idea of collective responsibility through the text of the “Al Het” confession liturgy from Yom Kippur

A Kids’ Tour of the Sukkah Exhibit at Neot Kedumim

A Kids’ Tour of the Sukkah Exhibit at Neot Kedumim

This amusing video provides a virtual tour of some of the most unusual booths featured at the Sukkah Exhibit at