Why is Jerusalem So Important for Muslims?

Why is Jerusalem So Important for Muslims?

This introductory video (01:00) provides a list of the different reasons why Jerusalem is considered sacred according to Muslim tradition. 

The Significance of Jerusalem in Islam

The Significance of Jerusalem in Islam

This introductory article from ThoughtCo clearly explains the religious significance of Jerusalem in Islam. Known in Arabic as Al-Quds or Baitul-Maqdis (“The

Elhanan Miller – אלחנן מילר

Elhanan Miller – אלחנן מילר

  .אלחנן מילר הוא עיתונאי, חוקר, ותלמיד רבנות החי בירושלים  .times of Israel לשעבר הכתב לענייני ערבי של העיתון  כיום

The Six Day War Scroll: The Story of Yom Yerushalayim and the Six Days of Deliverance

The Six Day War Scroll: The Story of Yom Yerushalayim and the Six Days of Deliverance

In this video (05:35), Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi introduces his book, “The Six Day War Scroll,” which tells the miraculous story of Israel’s

Six Day War Maps

Six Day War Maps

This post presents three important maps for understanding the impact of the Six Day War: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Kingdom of the Hermon

The Kingdom of the Hermon

Written by Yovav Katz, composed by Effi Netzer, and performed by the Military Band of the IDF in 1968, “Kingdom

Six Transformative Days: A Primer on the Last 50 Years

Six Transformative Days: A Primer on the Last 50 Years

This comprehensive article looks back on how the Six Day War transformed Israel – for better or for worse. Recalling

The Paratroopers who Founded Gush Emunim & Peace Now and Israel’s Wary Center

The Paratroopers who Founded Gush Emunim & Peace Now and Israel’s Wary Center

Written by Yossi Klein Halevi, author of “Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided

Naomi Shemer / Nachal Band: Tomorrow

Naomi Shemer / Nachal Band: Tomorrow

Written by Naomi Shemer for the Nachal Military Band, this optimistic song which dreams of a time of peace and prosperity

Gush Emunim: The Ideology & History of the Settlement Movement

Gush Emunim: The Ideology & History of the Settlement Movement

Written by Conservative rabbi, educator and Israeli tour guide, Ed Snitkoff, this article provides a thorough introduction to the Gush Emunim