Jacob, Esav, Conflict & Identity Politics

Jacob, Esav, Conflict & Identity Politics

In this teaching on Parshat Vayishlach (03:12), Rabbi Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox of The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies looks at the

The Siege of Masada: What Really Happened?

The Siege of Masada: What Really Happened?

Produced by Andrew Henry, a Ph.D student in Religious Studies and creator of the Religion for Breakfast YouTube channel, this informative video

Biblical Archaeology in the Ella Valley

Biblical Archaeology in the Ella Valley

Produced by the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem in Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (08:52) highlights the significance of

Parshat Vayishlach: Jacob’s Transformative Wrestling Match

Parshat Vayishlach: Jacob’s Transformative Wrestling Match

In this profound, animated video (04:59), award-winning novelist Dara Horn describes Jacob’s transformation from a life of manipulation to one of

Parshat Vayishlach in 60 Seconds

Parshat Vayishlach in 60 Seconds

This minute-long video presents a brief overview of Parshat Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43), including Jacob’s preparation for his reunion with Esau, his transformative

Jerusalem Uncovered: The History & Architecture of the YMCA Building

Jerusalem Uncovered: The History & Architecture of the YMCA Building

Produced by i24NEWS, this video (01:51) explores the unique history and symbolic architecture of the Jerusalem International YMCA building, an

Life for Israelis Near the Gaza Border

Life for Israelis Near the Gaza Border

Life for Israelis near the Gaza border is no picnic to say the least, as this clip (4:31) from The

Sderot Residents Live in Fear of Gaza Rockets

Sderot Residents Live in Fear of Gaza Rockets

Get a glimpse into what life is like for residents of the Gaza envelope in this clip (3:20) from VOA

The Wadi al-Haramiya Sniper Attack

The Wadi al-Haramiya Sniper Attack

Posted by Palestinian Media Watch, this video (1:15) that was shared on the official Facebook page of the Fatah movement in

Heroes of Operation Protective Edge

Heroes of Operation Protective Edge

Meet some of the heroes behind 2014’s Operation Protective Edge in this clip (5:35) from the Friends of the IDF.