Elhanan Miller – The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Elhanan Miller – The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

אלחנן מילר #הסכסוך הישראלי פלסטיני   אלחנן מילר הוא עיתונאי, חוקר, ותלמיד רבנות החי בירושלים. לשעבר הכתב לענייני ערבים של העיתון



Directed toward madrichim, this post provides suggestions for activiti

Table of Program Lecturers

Table of Program Lecturers

In this table you will find a list of all of the relevant lecturers and courses for the program:

Hadracha Tools

Hadracha Tools

This post serves as a collective online database to help staff and madrichim improve their programs and activities. Staff can

Elor Azaria Shooting Footage

Elor Azaria Shooting Footage

Filmed by B’Tselem, a non-profit organization dedicated to documenting “human rights violations in the Israeli-occupied territories,” this short video clip (0:32)

Celebrating Tu B’Shvat with Seven Species Food Art

Celebrating Tu B’Shvat with Seven Species Food Art

Produced by the Union for Reform Judaism, this creative video (01:43) introduces the holiday of Tu B’Shvat and the Seven

Tu B’Shvat Recipes

Tu B’Shvat Recipes

This article includes links to festive fruit-centered sweet and savory recipes especially for Tu B’Shvat, when it is customary to eat

Table of Program Lecturers

Table of Program Lecturers

In this table you will find a list of all of the relevant lecturers and courses for the program:  

Haggadah for the Tu B’Shvat Seder

Haggadah for the Tu B’Shvat Seder

Created by the Jewish National Fund, this Tu B’Shvat Haggadah is divided into four sections, each of which includes a

Tu B’Shvat Companion: A Handbook for the New Year of the Tree

Tu B’Shvat Companion: A Handbook for the New Year of the Tree

Created by Livnot U’Lehibanot, this educational booklet is a compilation of short articles, thought-provoking questions, sources, songs, and blessings that explore different Jewish