This Land Is Mine: A Story of Eternal War and Conquest

This Land Is Mine: A Story of Eternal War and Conquest

This dramatic animated video presents “This Land is Mine,” a song that tells the story of the wars in the

Vesamachta Bechagecha: A Sukkot Song

Vesamachta Bechagecha: A Sukkot Song

This video features students from the Boys Town Jerusalem school singing a traditional Sukkot song. All about being happy during

Israeli Sukkot Songs

Israeli Sukkot Songs

This site provides a list of popular Israeli folk songs for Sukkot, many of which focus on the agricultural roots

The Maccabeats: Sukkos Style

The Maccabeats: Sukkos Style

In this video, the Maccabeats sit around discussing their next project, which leads to a brief Sukkot-themed parody of PSY’s “Gangham Style.”  The

Koolulam: 3000 People Sing Matisyahu’s “One Day” in Hebrew, English & Arabic

Koolulam: 3000 People Sing Matisyahu’s “One Day” in Hebrew, English & Arabic

This inspirational video presents 3000 people of different backgrounds who gathered together to sing “One Day” by Matisyahu in English, Hebrew and

Patish, Masmer: A Hebrew Sukkot Song for Kids

Patish, Masmer: A Hebrew Sukkot Song for Kids

With onscreen Hebrew, English and transliterated lyrics, this animated video presents a popular Israeli Sukkot song for kids all about

Shakin’ the Lulav (Sukkot Parody)

Shakin’ the Lulav (Sukkot Parody)

In this playful Sukkot-themed parody of The Beatles’ “Twist and Shout,” David Bar-Cohn and friends dance around Jerusalem and Ramat

The Sukkot Song: The Time of Our Rejoicing

The Sukkot Song: The Time of Our Rejoicing

In this festive song, Steve McConnell celebrates Sukkot as “zman simchatenu” – the time of our rejoicing. The lyrics can

Do You Want to Build A Sukkah? A Frozen Parody

Do You Want to Build A Sukkah? A Frozen Parody

In this sweet, homemade video, Mia Leopold and Mollie Teitelbaum sing a Sukkot-themed parody of “Do You Want to Build

Fountainheads: Living In A Booth

Fountainheads: Living In A Booth

A parody of Marry You by Bruno Mars, this high-energy music video features The Fountainheads singing a fun, light-hearted song about the excitement and joy