Created by NowThis News, a liberal American media company, this informative video (05:11) presents an overview of the First and Second Palestinian Intifadas,
This link provides the full text of an article written by King Abdullah I of Jordan in The American Magazine
This song was originally written as a poem by iconic Israeli poet, Haim Hefer, who served in the Palmach during
This post presents the text of the cablegram sent from the Secretary General of the Arab League to the Secretary
Published in Al Jazeera, a state-funded Qatari news network, this article explores the different explanations offered by historians for the Arab
Written by Salman Masalha, a Druze Israeli poet and writer, this article reveals the rhetoric published in Arab newspapers prior to
Performed here by the IDF for Memorial Day, this song, written as a poem by Natan Alterman in 1959 and
This link provides a sample of letters that capture the spirit of the new country from the book “Letters from Jerusalem, 1947-1948”
From the Zionism-Israel Center advocacy website, this link opens up a thorough chronology of events from November 1947 – September
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