OneTable Shabbat Dinner Guide

OneTable Shabbat Dinner Guide

Created by OneTable, a grassroots organization whose goal it is to help people enjoy Shabbat dinners together, the guide (39 pages) to

Zemirot: An Introduction

Zemirot: An Introduction

The word ‘zemer’ (plural – ‘zemirot’) actually means ‘song’ in Hebrew.  It has become the word used almost exclusively to

Eishet Chayil: A Template for Modern Women

Eishet Chayil: A Template for Modern Women

In this article, a modern woman who lives by Jewish tradition explains why she feels that Eishet Chayil is very

How Eishet Chayil Shaped One Woman’s Evolving Jewish Identity

How Eishet Chayil Shaped One Woman’s Evolving Jewish Identity

In this personal article, Sarah Zell Young shares how her religious journey is reflected in her evolving relationship with the words

Origins and Interpretations of Proverbs 31

Origins and Interpretations of Proverbs 31

This brief article from Wikipedia offers an introduction to Proverbs 31, the Biblical source for Eishet Chayil. It provides both literal and

Which Biblical Woman Was the Original Eishet Chayil?

Which Biblical Woman Was the Original Eishet Chayil?

This essay discusses some theories as to which biblical woman the poem, Eishet Chayil, could be referring. The author, Asher Gabbay,

More Precious Than Pearls: A Digital Book of Essays on Eishet Chayil

More Precious Than Pearls: A Digital Book of Essays on Eishet Chayil

This 94 page book, “More Precious Than Pearls: A Prayer for the Women of Valor in Our Lives,” is a collection of

The Significance of the Shabbat Angels in Breslov Hassidic Thought

The Significance of the Shabbat Angels in Breslov Hassidic Thought

This excerpt from “7th Heaven: Shabbat With Rebbe Nachman of Breslov” explores the significance of angels in Jewish theology, focusing on

Do Jews Believe in Angels?

Do Jews Believe in Angels?

This comprehensive article, written by Rabbi Louis Jacobs on, discusses the development of the references and understanding of angels in Judaism from

Introduction to Eishet Chayil: Meaning, Origins, How To, English Text

Introduction to Eishet Chayil: Meaning, Origins, How To, English Text

This detailed article by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett provides a thorough introduction to Eishet Chayil, including the meaning, origins, and practical how-to’s of singing this song