An Animated Story of Hannukah for Kids

An Animated Story of Hannukah for Kids

Produced by Speakaboos, an educational company promoting children’s literacy, this short animated video (02:15) presents the Hannukah story and the historical

Ben Shapiro: The Story & Takeaways of Hannukah

Ben Shapiro: The Story & Takeaways of Hannukah

In this short informative video (01:55), Ben Shapiro provides a quick historical overview of the history of Hannukah, emphasizing the

The Historical Origins and Customs of Hannukah

The Historical Origins and Customs of Hannukah

Produced by the American TV Network, History, this introductory video (03:50) presents the historical origins and modern customs of Hannukah, the Jewish festival

Women of the Wall: Liberating the Western Wall Again

Women of the Wall: Liberating the Western Wall Again

Created by the Women of the Wall in 2013, this promotional video (05:03) introduces the goals and challenges faced by this multi-denominational

The Conflicting Visions of Four Main Sectors of Israeli Society

The Conflicting Visions of Four Main Sectors of Israeli Society

In this fascinating article by Prof. Yedidia Stern, Vice President of the Israel Democracy Institute, the author outlines the character and vision

What is Hannukah?

What is Hannukah?

This short animated video (03:51) presents an excellent overview of the origins, significance and customs of Hannukah, the Jewish festival of lights. Useful

An American Jewish Educator’s Journey into the World of Israeli Secular Torah Study

An American Jewish Educator’s Journey into the World of Israeli Secular Torah Study

In this personal account, American Jewish educator, Rabbi David Kasher, describes the growing world of secular Israeli organizations devoted to

The Renaissance of Jewish Study Among Secular Israelis

The Renaissance of Jewish Study Among Secular Israelis

This lengthy article by Rachel Delia Benaim and Yitzhak Bronstein explores how a new generation of Israelis has begun to bridge the

How Do We Find a Torah for a Jewish Democracy?

How Do We Find a Torah for a Jewish Democracy?

In this video (05:53), created in celebration of Israel’s 70th birthday, Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman argues that the model of

Religion & State: The Kosher Monopoly

Religion & State: The Kosher Monopoly

Produced by the Israel Democracy Institute, this video (01:49) features Dr. Shuki Friedman, Director of the Center for Religion, Nation and State, describing the financial, ethical and