The Layout of the Temple Mount During the Crusader period

The Layout of the Temple Mount During the Crusader period

In this informal yet informative video (03:36), archaeologist Frankie Snyder draws a diagram and describes the the layout of the

Photographs & Explanations of the Closed Sites of the Temple Mount

Photographs & Explanations of the Closed Sites of the Temple Mount

Compiled by Ron Peled of the All About Jerusalem city tour guide website, this 18-page document contains photographs and descriptions

Interactive Virtual Tour of Haram al-Sharif

Interactive Virtual Tour of Haram al-Sharif

Produced by Al Jazeera, a state-funded Qatari news network, this interactive video (06:37) provides a detailed virtual tour of the Haram al-Sharif

What Makes Jerusalem So Holy to All Monotheistic Faiths?

What Makes Jerusalem So Holy to All Monotheistic Faiths?

Written by Erica Chernovsky of the BBC, this informative article explains why Jerusalem is sacred to each of the three

Thorough Virtual Tour of Haram-Al Sharif

Thorough Virtual Tour of Haram-Al Sharif

Created for AramcoWorld Magazine, which aims to broaden knowledge of the Arab and Muslim worlds, this link opens up a

The Significance of Jerusalem in Christianity

The Significance of Jerusalem in Christianity

Produced by Voice of America News, a U.S. government-funded international multimedia agency, this video (04:00) explores the significance of Jerusalem

The Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem in Christianity Through Scriptures & Prophecy

The Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem in Christianity Through Scriptures & Prophecy

Created by the One for Israel Ministry, an evangelical organization that seeks to share the Gospel of Jesus with Israelis,

Jerusalem: Sacred to the Three Monotheistic Faiths

Jerusalem: Sacred to the Three Monotheistic Faiths

This video (05:09) provides a general introduction to the historic city of Jerusalem and its significance to each of the

Jerusalem’s Sacred Christian Sites

Jerusalem’s Sacred Christian Sites

Published on the website of the Holy Land Voyager, a Christian tour agency, this article describes the significance of Jerusalem

Why was Jerusalem Important to the First Muslims?

Why was Jerusalem Important to the First Muslims?

Written by Robert G. Hoyland, a Professor of Early Islamic Middle Eastern History at New York University, this thorough article discusses