After the Zionist Revolution: Patterns of Jewish Collective Identity among Israeli Jews

After the Zionist Revolution: Patterns of Jewish Collective Identity among Israeli Jews

This thorough article compares the findings of the The Jewish People Policy Institute’s Israeli Pluralism Survey (2016) and the Pew Research

Why Do Jews Wear Costumes on Purim?

Why Do Jews Wear Costumes on Purim?

Produced by My Jewish Learning, this introductory video (01:32) provides several historical, spiritual and practical explanations for the custom of

Drop Your Mask: Why We Dress Up on Purim

Drop Your Mask: Why We Dress Up on Purim

Produced by, this insightful video (02:29) features Rabbi Yaakov Cohen reveals the deep psychological and spiritual wisdom behind the

Why Do Jews Eat Hamantaschen on Purim?

Why Do Jews Eat Hamantaschen on Purim?

Produced by The Nosher, a Jewish food blog, this video (01:11) explains the history behind the Ashkenazi custom to eat hamantaschen

The History & Spiritual Significance of Hamantaschen

The History & Spiritual Significance of Hamantaschen

This short video (01:12) from suggestions several different reasons why we eat Hamantaschen on Purim. This thorough article by Rabbi Yehuda

The Festive Purim Meal: Seudat Purim

The Festive Purim Meal: Seudat Purim

From the website of the Orthodox Union, this thorough article outlines the spiritual significance and halachic guidelines of the Seudat

Mishloach Manot: Now & Then

Mishloach Manot: Now & Then

This video (01:12) from the Central Synagogue Reform Congregation introduces the custom of Mishloach Manot – delivering gifts of food to

What Is Purim?

What Is Purim?

This amusing and informative video (05:04) presents an excellent overview of the origins, significance and customs of Purim, including an animated summary

War & Ethics in the IDF Ethical Code

War & Ethics in the IDF Ethical Code

Adapted from a lecture by Moshe Halbertal, Israeli philosopher, professor and co-author of the Israeli Army Code of Ethics, this article

Dan Senor: How Israel Became a Leader in Business Innovation

Dan Senor: How Israel Became a Leader in Business Innovation

In this CNBC news segment (06:46), Dan Senor, co author of Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle, discusses some