Students Explain the HaMotzi Customs

Students Explain the HaMotzi Customs

This short, humorous video, created by students at Makor of Hebrew College, describes several customs pertaining to the HaMotzi ritual performed

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: How To Make Hamotzi

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: How To Make Hamotzi

This short video from Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks demonstrates how to perform the blessing over the bread on Shabbat according to Orthodox

Washing for Bread: Symbolism, How To, FAQ & Reflections

Washing for Bread: Symbolism, How To, FAQ & Reflections

In this article, Lori Palatnik explains the deep symbolism behind the hand-washing ritual and provides a straight forward guide as

Shabbat Candle Lighting: An Introduction

Shabbat Candle Lighting: An Introduction

The following article briefly explains the basic structure of the candle lighting ceremony and some related customs, including the text

Hand-Washing before a Meal 101

Hand-Washing before a Meal 101

This colloquially-written, point-form article shares the basics of the ritual hand-washing that takes place prior to eating bread at any meal,

Ritual Hand-Washing: A Clear Explanation

Ritual Hand-Washing: A Clear Explanation

This brief yet thorough article  clearly explains the origins and directions for the ritual of washing hands prior to eating bread at

Detailed Guide to Shabbat Candles in Jewish Law

Detailed Guide to Shabbat Candles in Jewish Law

This is a highly technical article about the laws of lighting Shabbat candles according to Orthdox halacha, meant for those

Candle Lighting Times

Candle Lighting Times

This short article explains exactly when to light Shabbat candles, according to Orthodox halacha, as well as what one can do if

Introduction: How to Light the Shabbat Candles

Introduction: How to Light the Shabbat Candles

This introductory video provides a step-by-step explanation on how to light the Shabbat evening candles according to Asheknazic tradition, using captions, pictures,

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Reform Tradition & Customs

How to Light Shabbat Candles: Reform Tradition & Customs

This video demonstrates how to light the Shabbat candles and recite the blessing according to the Reform tradition. In the first