Informative Articles & Videos
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The Jewish Educator Journal: Shavuot Resources
This link opens up the Winter 2018 issue of the The Jewish Educator journal, full of articles, resources, activities, and lesson
Chabad on Shavuot
This introductory article from explains the history, customs and deep spiritual significance of Shavuot. With many internal links to relevant videos, how-to
The Omer & Shavuot: Self-Betterment and a Divine Relationship
In this short video, Rabbi Shira Stutman shares a profound explanation of Shavuot and the 49 day period of the
Shavuot in Israel: A Celebration of Torah or First Fruits?
In this article, Dr. Hizky Shoham explores the multiple identities of the holiday of Shavuot, which began as an agricultural
Taking Tikkun Leil into the Modern World
In this article from the South African Jewish Report, Adina Roth describes how the ancient Kabbalistic practice of learning Torah all
A Detailed Overview of Shavuot
This thorough article from Wikipedia provides a detailed and well-sourced overview of the Biblical origins, ancient and modern customs, and agricultural and
Akdamut: Text & Commentary on a Liturgical Poem for Shavuot
This 8-page long PDF document provides the Aramaic text and English translation of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during
Shavuot 101
This introductory article briefly explains the history, customs and significance of Shavuot, a lesser known Jewish holiday that commemorates the spring harvest
Reenactment of the Biblical Shavuot First-Fruits & Twin Loaves Offerings
This 4-minute long video presents a reenactment of the first-fruit and twin loaves offerings, as they were performed in the ancient Temple
Shavuot in 60 Seconds
This minute long animated video presents a brief overview of the origins, significance and customs of Shavuot. Useful for people of all ages, with
Shavuot: The Day that Shook the World
This minute-and-a-half long video, creatively produced to resemble a movie trailer, presents the eternal influence of the revelation of the Torah
Why do Jews Eat Cheesecake on Shavuot?
This minute-long video from the My Jewish LearningYouTube Channel offers two explanations for the popular Ashkenazi custom to eat dairy
What is Shavuot? An Introductory Video for All
This 4-minute long animated video presents an excellent overview of the origins, significance and customs of Shavuot, dubbed “the most important Jewish Holiday
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Tkhine of the Matriarchs for Yizkor
This “tkhine” (supplication) is a para-liturgical prayer in Yiddish with an English translation that is meant to be recited following the
A “Tkhine” for Lighting Candles on Shavuot
This “tkhine” (supplication) is a para-liturgical prayer in Hebrew and Yiddish with an English translation that is meant to be recited
Kabbalistic Tikkun Leil Shavuot with Prayers & Meditations
This link opens up a 75 page long PDF file containing sections of learning, prayer and meditation for the Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Kabbalistic Tikkun Leil Shavuot & Prayers
This link opens up a 186 page long PDF file containing sections of learning and prayer for the Tikkun Leil Shavuot in
Reform Shavuot Youth Synagogue Service
This 9-page long PDF document presents the Shavuot Youth Service at the Edgware and District Reform Synagogue (now the Edgware &
The Book of Ruth (Text & Audio)
This post provides the Hebrew and English text for the entire Book of Ruth, as well as audio recordings from
Peoplehood: A Resource for Tikkun Leil Shavuot
This 4-page PDF document provides six sources which address the theme of ‘Peoplehood’ intended for learning with a partner (chevruta)
Tikkun Leil Shavuot Videos & Study Guides from the Reform Movement
This link provides a collection of short videos of Torah lectures with guiding questions for discussion and reflection that can
Chanting of Moroccan Azharot
This 10 minute long video presents a Moroccan chanting of Azharot (lit. exhortations), didactic liturgical poems enumerating the 613 commandments traditionally
Moroccan Piyutim for Shavuot
This video presents a series of traditional Moroccan liturgical poems for Shavuot.
Yetziv Pitgam: A Piyut for Shavuot
This video presents the singing of Yetziv Pitgam, an Aramaic liturgical poem recited immediately following the chanting of the first verse
An Ancient Melody for Akdamut
This video presents an ancient melody for Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during the Torah reading in synagogue on the
Yizkor: The Memorial Prayer
This informative article from provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the Yizkor memorial prayer recited following the
Standing Together: A Social Justice Guide to Shavuot and the Omer
This link opens up a 44 page PDF document full of articles, resources, activities, and programs for Shavuot and the
Akdamut: Text & Commentary on a Liturgical Poem for Shavuot
This 8-page long PDF document provides the Aramaic text and English translation of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during
Traditional Practices - Learn How
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How to Organize a Feminist/Women’s Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Noting that women are learning more Torah than ever before in Jewish history, this article from Ritualwell encourages women to further reclaim their
Procedure for Holiday Candle-Lighting
This informative post from provides the transliterated and translated English text for the blessings upon lighting the candles at
Yizkor: The Memorial Prayer
This informative article from provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the Yizkor memorial prayer recited following the
OU Synagogue Resources: Innovative Shavuot Programming
This link opens up an article which offers unique ideas for engaging Shavuot programs for all ages from Orthodox synagogues throughout
How to Make Shavuot Meaningful & Fun for Your Community
This post provides ideas for how to make Shavuot meaningful and fun for your community and family. Focusing on the
Standing Together: A Social Justice Guide to Shavuot and the Omer
This link opens up a 44 page PDF document full of articles, resources, activities, and programs for Shavuot and the
The Jewish Educator Journal: Shavuot Resources
This link opens up the Winter 2018 issue of the The Jewish Educator journal, full of articles, resources, activities, and lesson
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Chanting of Moroccan Azharot
This 10 minute long video presents a Moroccan chanting of Azharot (lit. exhortations), didactic liturgical poems enumerating the 613 commandments traditionally
Our Baskets Are On Our Shoulders: A Hebrew Children’s Song for Shavuot
This upbeat animated video presents a popular Israeli children’s song abut Shavuot. The lyrics describe people coming from all over
The Song of Bread: A Zionist Yiddish Song for Shavuot
This video presents The Song of Bread, a Yiddish folk song written by poet and composer Mark Warshawsky about the
Stay Up All Night: A Shavuot Parody
This amusing video presents a song about Tikkun Leil Shavuot, the custom of learning Torah all night long on Shavuot. From
Moroccan Piyutim for Shavuot
This video presents a series of traditional Moroccan liturgical poems for Shavuot.
We’ll Study All Night Long: A Shavuot Parody
This amusing video presents a song about Tikkun Leil Shavuot, the custom of learning Torah all night long on Shavuot.
Akdamut Chanted with English Translation
This video presents a chanting of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during the Torah reading in synagogue on the morning
Short English Adaptation of Akdamut
This video presents a short, simple, chanted, English version of Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during the Torah reading in synagogue
Yetziv Pitgam: A Piyut for Shavuot
This video presents the singing of Yetziv Pitgam, an Aramaic liturgical poem recited immediately following the chanting of the first verse
An Ancient Sephardic Melody for Akdamut
This video presents an ancient Sephardic melody for Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during the Torah reading in synagogue on
Alicia Jo Rabins: An Indie-Folk Rendition of Ruth’s Journey
This animated music video presents the biblical story of Ruth, retold by singer-songwriter Alicia Jo Rabins through an original indie-folk song. The
An Ancient Melody for Akdamut
This video presents an ancient melody for Akdamut, the lengthy Aramaic poem recited during the Torah reading in synagogue on the
A Children’s Song for Shavuot
This upbeat, catchy song celebrates the excitement of the Jewish festival of Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah. Sung in
The Ten Commandments: A Shavuot Song for Kids
This upbeat, animated music video presents the Ten Commandments from the Torah in an amusing, kid-friendly way, with modernized lyrics,
What else?
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Pilgrimage: A Resource for Tikun Leil Shavuot from Limmud
Created by the Limmud Chavruta Program for Shavuot, this 4-page long document contains sources that explore the concept of pilgrimage in Judaism,
Kavannot (Intentions) for Shavuot
In this thought provoking piece, Rabbi Rachel Barenblat lays out her personal intentions for Shavuot in the form of a prayer to God
Festival of the First Fruits: A Shavuot Poem
This descriptive poem in Hebrew and English by Kaila Shabat paints a lovely picture of the festive Shavuot celebrations in the moshavim
Revealing Torah, Revealing Me: A Prayer for Shavuot
This thought provoking and poetic prayer by Devon Spier explores the emotions of the moment before the revelation at Mount Sinai,
A Blessing for Kindness on Shavuot
This poetic prayer by Devon Spier explores the themes of chessed (kindness), social justice, and communal responsibility through agricultural imagery. These
Cheesecake Recipes
This article from the Israeli news site Haaretz provides seven different cheesecake recipes, including bake, no-bake, sweet, and savory options.
Dairy Recipes for Shavuot
In celebration of the Ashkenazi tradition of eating dairy foods on Shavuot, My Jewish Learning provides lots of different recipes, often
Celebrate Shavuot with Shalom Sesame
This video from Shalom Sesame tells the story of Moses receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. This link from offers discussion topics,
Shavuot Resource Booklet for Youth Leaders
This link will open up a 28 page long PDF file full of resources designed to teach youth about Shavuot in
Shavuot Activities for Elementary School Students
This link provides resources designed to teach elementary school students about Shavuot in a fun and interactive way. Through word searches, crossword puzzles,
A Shavuot Website for Children
This link will take you to “a Shavuot wonderland for kids,” an entire website dedicated to teaching children about the holiday
The Jewish Trivia Quiz: Shavuot
This link will take you to a Jewish Trivia game website, where you can select “Shavuot” from the drop down
The Ten Commandments: A Shavuot Lesson Plan for High School Students
This link opens up a detailed hour long lesson plan where students explore a theory regarding the division of the
Sinai Poetry: A Resource for Tikkun Leil Shavuot
This 9-page long PDF document provides a collection of poetry reflecting the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sainai from both
How to Organize a Feminist/Women’s Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Noting that women are learning more Torah than ever before in Jewish history, this article from Ritualwell encourages women to further reclaim their
How to Make Shavuot Meaningful & Fun for Your Community
This post provides ideas for how to make Shavuot meaningful and fun for your community and family. Focusing on the
The Jewish Educator Journal: Shavuot Resources
This link opens up the Winter 2018 issue of the The Jewish Educator journal, full of articles, resources, activities, and lesson
Reenactment of the Biblical Shavuot First-Fruits & Twin Loaves Offerings
This 4-minute long video presents a reenactment of the first-fruit and twin loaves offerings, as they were performed in the ancient Temple