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מדריך סגל להתמודדות בנושא הטרדה מינית
שלום, המדריך המצורף, שנכתב על ידי קרן גרין, MSW ,מיועד למארגני תכניות מסע ואונוורד ישראל ומטרתו לסייע ביצירת סביבה בטוחה,
פברואר 2020
,שלום לכולם .מקווה ששלומכם טוב . הגיע הזמן שנשתף עם כולכם כמה מהדברים המעסיקים אותנו ביחידה לפיתוח החינוכי במסע .חבל שנשמור
Informative Articles & Videos
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Arab Citizens of Israel Early in the Twenty-First Century
Written by Arik Rudnitzky, project manager of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at the Moshe Dayan Center, this 137-page long
The Population of Israel
Published by the Jewish People Policy Institute in 2015, this 24-page long study provides a thorough analysis of Israel’s demographic characteristics
Tribes, Identity & Individual Freedom in Israel
Written by Natan Sachs and Brian Reeves and published by the Center for Middle East Policy, this 23-page long article
Podcast: What is a Jewish Wedding?
This 35 minute long podcast provides a casual but in-depth exploration of Jewish wedding customs, including an overview of the process and some
Chuppah: The Jewish Wedding Canopy
This minute long animated video briefly introduces the Jewish custom of getting married under a “chuppah,” a wedding canopy. Explaining both technical
How to Plan a Jewish Wedding: A Checklist
This informative article provides a checklist of 7 things a couple should consider when planning their Jewish wedding, ranging from how
Chabad Guide to a Jewish Wedding
This thorough resource is a guide to a Jewish wedding from a Chabad-Lubavitch Orthodox perspective, including an in depth discussion of
The Deep Meaning Behind An Orthodox Jewish Wedding
This 8 minute long interview with an Orthodox couple, Hadassa and Ze’ev, provides insight into the many customs and traditions of an
Wedding Shtick: Why Do We Perform for the Bride and Groom?
This short informative article explains the origins and development of “wedding shtick,” referring to the ancient Jewish custom of entertaining the bride
An Exploration of Sephardic & Ashkenazi Wedding Customs through Ladino & Yiddish Folk Songs
This link opens a well-researched article by Batya Fonda exploring what can be learned about traditional Sephardic and Ashkenazi weddings from
Jewish Weddings 101: The Traditions, Rituals and Liturgy
This informative article provides a basic outline of the Jewish wedding ceremony, including the rituals, customs and liturgy performed before, during,
Ketubah: The Jewish Wedding Contract
This minute long animated video briefly introduces the “ketubah,” the Jewish marriage contract, a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of
Why We Break the Glass at Jewish Weddings
This minute long animated video provides three different reasons for the custom of smashing a glass under the chuppah at a Jewish
Why Do Jews Break Glass at Weddings?
This minute long video provides various spiritual, religious, historical and philosophical explanations for the custom of smashing a glass under the chuppah
What is a Henna Ceremony?
This minute long video introduces the “henna,” a pre-wedding party celebrated by both Jews and Arabs of Middle Eastern and North African
What to Expect at a Jewish Wedding Ceremony
This minute long animated video briefly introduces various Jewish wedding traditions, including the “ketubah” (wedding contract), the seven blessings under the “chuppah” (wedding canopy),
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A Traditional Jewish Marriage Ceremony (Outline & Texts)
This article provides an outline of the entire traditional Jewish marriage ceremony, including explanations of the various customs as well
Traditional Practices - Learn How
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A Traditional Jewish Marriage Ceremony (Outline & Texts)
This article provides an outline of the entire traditional Jewish marriage ceremony, including explanations of the various customs as well
Engaged? Jewish Traditions Before a Wedding
This 2-minute long animated video introduces seven pre-wedding Jewish traditions, including celebrating at a “l’chaim” (Jewish engagement party), visiting the”mikveh” (ritual bath), smashing
How to Plan a Jewish Wedding: A Checklist
This informative article provides a checklist of 7 things a couple should consider when planning their Jewish wedding, ranging from how
Chabad Guide to a Jewish Wedding
This thorough resource is a guide to a Jewish wedding from a Chabad-Lubavitch Orthodox perspective, including an in depth discussion of
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An Exploration of Sephardic & Ashkenazi Wedding Customs through Ladino & Yiddish Folk Songs
This link opens a well-researched article by Batya Fonda exploring what can be learned about traditional Sephardic and Ashkenazi weddings from