Shared in “A Meal With A Feel,” Onward Israel’s educational pamphlet designed to transform Shabbat dinner into a meaningful experience for all, this post provides resources for creative Shabbat-appropriate games and activities to enhance your Oneg Shabbat.
Oneg Shabbat
Jewish teaching points us to enjoy the Shabbat, to cherish it. The Oneg Shabbat (in modern times) was a community get together of song and poetry, of learning and good humor, of enjoying the Shabbat with friends, that was initiated by the Hebrew poet Hayyim Nahman Bialik. Bialik is to Hebrew poetry and letters what Wordsworth and Blake are to English literature.
After eating and sharing the meal together, you may want to continue in the living room with dessert and some games – with your own Oneg Shabbat.
See the links below for a few ideas for your Oneg Shabbat.
Games from ‘Whose Line is it Anyway?’
From Deepfun with Bernard Koven, this article provides a list of some fun and interactive games played on the TV improv show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”
How to Host an Oneg Shabbat?
From Banaganewz, this 3-page long document provides a list of games and activities for your Oneg Shabbat.
400+ Shabbat Activity Ideas
Sabbath Ideas is a free website dedicated to to innovative Sabbath activity ideas to enhance for children, teens and adults, including games and study portions.