Massive Rally to Return Abducted Soldiers (2006)

Massive Rally to Return Abducted Soldiers (2006)

Published on August 31, 2006, this Jerusalem Post article describes the massive rally held that day in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, when tens of thousands of Israelis gathered to demand the return of three captured Israeli soldiers. Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser were captured by Hezbollah terrorists in July 2006, triggering the Second Lebanon War, and Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from Gaza in June 2006. After tremendous pressure from the public and controversial prisoner swap deals, the dead bodies of Regev and Goldwasser were returned to Israel two years later, and Shalit came home alive after five years in Gaza. Including quotes from organizers, speakers, and families of the soldiers, the article describes the tone and goals of the rally.