Shared in “A Meal With A Feel,” Onward Israel’s educational pamphlet designed to transform Shabbat dinner into a meaningful experience for all, this post suggests a thoughtful way to involve your guests in sharing ideas about the meaning behind Jewish rituals at the Shabbat table.
60 seconds
All cultures and faiths create special customs and practices in order to distinguish holy times and sacred places. We eat all through the week, but the Shabbat table includes its own symbols and rituals to transform the table from just a meal into a holy feast, including candle lighting and blessings over wine (Kiddush) and bread (HaMotzi). Traditions and rituals can turn the biological need to eat into a special occasion, a celebration.
When we understand why we do what we do, we are empowered. Choose a couple of the Shabbat meal customs and invite participants to prepare short explanations of why we do what we do.
Questions to “Chew Over”
- What is the traditional source for the custom?
- Do you find meaning in the custom and why?
- Do you have a Friday night custom from your own family, friends, or community that you want to share with others?
- How do you turn the need to eat into a special celebration and occasion?