Lehakat Sfatayim: Land of Milk & Honey

This song, by an Israeli band from the southern development town of Sderot, reveals the experience of Mizrahi immigrants to Israel from Morocco in the 1950s and 60s. The lyrics, translated below, reveals the nostalgia they feel looking back at the good lives they left behind, the discrimination and hardships they faced in Israel, as well as their love for the Land of Israel. Made up of primarily of Moroccan immigrants, the band blends Israeli rock with traditional Moroccan music.

Land of Milk & Honey

You who left the distant village,
You who were respected in the Maghreb,
You left property, and brought a fez,
You left much wealth, to fulfill a vision…

You who immigrated from the green village,
You who they called Lala shuk,
You left everything there
You brought just a kaftan and a red polar
But you realized a dream…

You left your parents,
Friends and brothers,
You immigrated from your own free will
Out of a love for Zion

You who were filled with belief,
You who brought the mimuna festival,
You wanted to be alike, you changed your names,
Jojo is worthless, Frecha is a disgrace,
You licked the honey, was not always sweet,
The milk spilled, but you didn’t cry over it,

With all the hardships, the language, the walls,
You planted roots and bore fruit.