This post by Elana Bell presents a short blessing and a list of actions to add spiritual intention to the simple act of turning of your electronic devices before Shabbat. Elana Bell, a poet, performer and lecturer, shared this ritual onĀ Ritualwell, a project of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College that provides a platform for creating new Jewish practices and observances.
Blessing for Turning Off Devices before Shabbat
Bless you/thank you (this/these) devices for all that you do to connect me to information, keeping me connected to people I love, allowing me to do my work in the world. I am grateful. And now is your time to rest so that I may rest and slow my thoughts and be fully present in this moment for the next 24 hours. Amen.
Rituals for Unplugging
- Put a cloth/sheet over the computer
- Put phones or other devices (also wallets, if you refrain from spending money) into a basket, decorated “Shabbat box,” or “cell phone sleeping bag”
- Turn off devices right before Shabbat candle lighting
- Text or call loved ones to wish them a special Shabbat Shalom right before you turn off the phone, so you can go into Shabbat having those close connections fresh in your mind